Home Bulls How to treat common pregnancy insomnia

How to treat common pregnancy insomnia


Insomnia in pregnancy is normal and is believed to be due to hormonal changes typical of this phase, but as not all pregnant women experience insomnia during pregnancy, it is believed that there are other factors involved.

Women who are anxious, stressed or have other emotional problems tend to suffer more from insomnia during pregnancy. It is very common for pregnant women to feel very sleepy in the first trimester of pregnancy and suffer from insomnia in the third trimester, and in this case, this would also be caused by the discomfort that the belly brings.

As progesterone is increased during pregnancy, it can cause insomnia for many pregnant women, as it has a sedative action on the central nervous system causing drowsiness, and the hormone estrogen, also very abundant in this phase, has a stimulating effect and therefore, it is believed that it may be the cause of frequent nighttime awakenings during pregnancy.

What to do to sleep better during pregnancy

As for insomnia in pregnancy, what can be done to alleviate it is:

  • Always go to sleep at the same time, in a quiet room; Put a pillow between your legs to make yourself more comfortable; Drink lemon balm tea and avoid coffee and other stimulating drinks after 6 pm. See a list of teas that the pregnant woman cannot take; Avoid very bright and noisy environments, such as shopping malls and shopping centers at night; If you have trouble sleeping or falling back asleep, close your eyes and concentrate only on your breathing.

Treatment for insomnia in pregnancy can also be done with medications, but they should only be prescribed by the obstetrician. Check out other tips to solve insomnia in pregnancy.

Although insomnia is more frequent in the third trimester of pregnancy, the woman may also experience changes in sleep in the first trimester, being usually related to anxiety related to the beginning of pregnancy.

Does insomnia in pregnancy harm the baby?

Insomnia during pregnancy does not harm the baby's development, however recent studies have shown that decreasing the quality of sleep of pregnant women can increase the risk of premature birth. This would be due to the fact that due to insomnia there would be greater release of hormones related to stress and inflammation, such as cortisol, for example.

Thus, if the pregnant woman has insomnia, it is important to consult the obstetrician and, in some cases, a psychologist so that she can relax and have an ideal night's sleep. In addition, it is recommended that the woman have an adequate diet and practice physical activity as directed by the physical education professional and obstetrician.

How to treat common pregnancy insomnia