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How to treat chronic insomnia


Chronic insomnia occurs when symptoms such as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep are frequent and prolonged.

The factors that are at its origin can be very varied and, therefore, the treatment must be carried out according to its causes, and it can be done through good habits before bed, therapy and, in some cases, with the take medicines indicated by the doctor, but they should always be the last option, in order to avoid dependence.

This sleep disorder, if left untreated, can have serious consequences, such as increased cardiovascular disease, psychiatric disorders, accidents and problems at work.

Although there is no single treatment that is effective in combating chronic insomnia, following some of the options listed below may be sufficient to be able to fall asleep faster and maintain deep sleep.

1. Adopt good sleep habits

To create good sleep habits it is advised:

  • Always lie down and get up at the same time every day, including weekends; Perform stress-relieving activities a few hours before bed, such as running; Eat light meals from 6 pm, avoiding stimulating foods like coffee or green tea; turn off all electronic devices such as tv, computer, cell phone, watches or alarm clocks before bedtime;

In addition, it is important to prepare the bedroom for sleeping, opting for a good mattress that does not cause pain in the neck or back and wear comfortable pajamas. Here's how to prepare a good night's sleep.

2. Avoid stress

One of the most common causes of insomnia is stress, so it is advisable to take measures to help combat it, such as:

  • Avoid places and situations that cause anxiety; Perform leisure activities that give pleasure every day; Perform physical exercises every day to relieve tension; Do relaxation exercises, such as mindfulness or yoga.

In addition, it is essential to disconnect from work and worries before going to bed, trying not to think about anything.

3. Taking medication for insomnia

When natural recommendations are insufficient to cure insomnia or when an urgent solution is needed, the doctor should be consulted so that the cause of the insomnia is discovered and the disease can be treated appropriately.

Initially, the doctor may recommend natural remedies for insomnia made from medicinal plants, such as chamomile, lemon balm, linden, valerian or cloves, for example, due to their sedative and relaxing properties. Learn how to prepare tea for Insomnia.

When opting for treatment with drugs such as short-acting benzodiazepines and sedative hypnotics, such as zolpidem, lorazepam or flurazepam, for example, it is essential to be aware of their adverse effects. Antihistamines are also frequently used to treat insomnia, being relatively effective in early insomnia, but can reduce sleep quality and cause drowsiness the next day.

The decision about which medicine to use should be based on the specific component of insomnia that is most problematic for the person, that is, if the person has difficulty falling asleep, wakes up in the middle of the night or sleeps badly, for example. In addition, drug treatment should be started with the lowest effective dose, in the shortest possible time, and at the end of treatment, the medication should be gradually discontinued.

4. Do therapy

When chronic insomnia is caused by psychological disorders such as generalized anxiety or mood disorders, for example, therapy can help. There are several therapeutic approaches that can be used to treat insomnia, such as:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy, which identifies inappropriate beliefs and attitudes that contribute to insomnia, contesting their validity and replacing them with more appropriate and adaptive ones; Education and sleep hygiene, which allows the person to acquire correct sleep habits that improve the quality of sleep, avoiding external factors that harm it, such as eating foods with caffeine or heavy meals. Learn how to do good sleep hygiene; Stimulus control therapy, which helps the person to associate the bed only with sleep and sexual activity and not with other activities that may impair the quality of sleep; Sleep restriction therapy, which consists of limiting the person's time in bed, in order to increase sleep efficiency; Relaxation therapy, which consists of performing light exercises, stretching or meditation, for example.

Here are some tips that can help you relax before bed.

5. Adopt a correct diet

To avoid insomnia, care must also be taken with food. Foods that make insomnia worse are stimulants like coffee, coca-cola, chocolate and pepper, for example, and foods that fight insomnia are rich in tryptophan like milk, nuts, oats and tomatoes.

Watch the following video and learn more about what to eat to reduce insomnia:

How to treat chronic insomnia