Chromotherapy, also known as color therapy, is an alternative therapy where basic colors such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue or violet are used to help treat certain diseases.
In chromotherapy, each color has specific vibrations and therapeutic properties, which help the patient to know and explore its interior, influencing the nervous system, according to the treatment goals.
Discover the benefits of chromotherapy.
What each color is for
In chromotherapy each color has a different purpose, being used in the following situations:
1. Red
Red is a primary color with stimulating properties that, when used properly, activates the 5 senses, the central nervous system, the liver and contributes to the healthy production of red blood cells and hemoglobin.
2. Orange
Orange is a color that derives from the junction between yellow and red and increases the energy of the lungs and stomach, also helping to treat nausea. It can increase the pulse, stimulate the thyroid and bone growth, producing energy that spreads throughout the body.
3. Yellow
Yellow is a color that tones muscles, activates lymph nodes and improves the digestive system, stimulating the intestines, pancreas and digestive fluids. It is considered purifying and when used properly, it helps to remove toxins and parasites from the digestive tract. In addition, it also contributes to the elimination of skin imperfections and acts as a blood purifier. The yellow color can also help to improve states of depression, apathy and discouragement.
4. Green
Green is the most abundant color on the planet, present in vegetation and contributes to relieve tension, balancing the brain and stimulating the pituitary gland, which controls all other glands in the body. It is a stabilizing color for chronic and acute dysfunctions, and is the most used to relieve colds and flu and treat infections.
5. Blue
Blue helps to eliminate toxins through breathing, stimulating intuitive powers and building vitality. In addition, it relieves irritation, itching and pain from skin conditions, relieves fever and inflammation and activates the pineal gland.
6. Violet
Violet contributes to hunger control by interfering with metabolism, helping to calm the body's organs, relaxing muscles, including the heart, and helping to fight infections. It also contributes to blood purification, and is a tranquilizer used in meditation, sleep and to relieve pain.