Home Bulls Effects of filling the breasts with macrolane and health risks

Effects of filling the breasts with macrolane and health risks


Macrolane is a gel based on chemically modified hyaluronic acid used by the dermatologist or plastic surgeon for filling, being an alternative to silicone implants, which can be injected in certain regions of the body, promoting an increase in its volume, improving body contour.

Filling with macrolane can be used to enlarge a certain area of ​​the body, such as the lips, breasts, butt and legs, and it also serves to improve the appearance of scars, without the need for cuts or general anesthesia. The filling effect lasts an average of 12 to 18 months, and can be reinjected as of this date.

Macrolane TM is manufactured in Sweden and was approved to be used in Europe in 2006 for aesthetic breast filling, it is little used in Brazil and was banned in France in 2012.

Who is it for

Filling with macrolane is indicated for those who are close to the ideal weight, who are healthy and who want to increase the volume of a certain region of the body, such as lips or wrinkles. On the face, 1-5 ml of macrolane can be applied, while on the breasts it is possible to apply 100-150 m on each breast.

How the procedure is done

Filling with macrolane with anesthesia begins at the treatment site, then the doctor will introduce the gel into the desired areas and the results can be seen right at the end of the procedure.

Side effects

The possible side effects of macrolane are local irritation, swelling, minor inflammation and pain. These can be easily solved by taking anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers prescribed by the doctor on the day of application.

It is expected that there will be a reabsorption of the product in 12-18 months, so it is normal that after a few months of application you may notice a decrease in its effect. It is estimated that 50% of the product is reabsorbed in the first 6 months.

There is a report of pain in the breasts one year after the procedure and the appearance of nodules in the breasts.


Macrolane is well tolerated by the body and has no health risks, but it can make breastfeeding difficult if the product is applied to the breasts and has not yet been fully reabsorbed by the body when the baby is born, and breast lumps may appear where it is application.

Macrolane does not hinder the performance of exams such as mammography, but it is recommended to perform mammography + ultrasound for a better evaluation of the breasts.

Effects of filling the breasts with macrolane and health risks