Home Bulls Enflurane



Enflurane is a medicine known commercially as Etrane.

This medication is an inhalation anesthetic that acts on the nerves, being widely used in surgeries.

The use of Enflurane can cause a sensation of mental confusion up to 3 days after its use.

Indications for Enflurane

General anesthesia (induction and maintenance); cesarean deliveries.

Side Effects of Enflurane

Increased blood loss during delivery; chills; yellowish color on the skin and eyes; liver dysfunction; breathing problems; drop in blood pressure; hiccup; vomiting.

Contraindications for Enflurane

Pregnancy risk B; lactating women; patients who have had jaundice or unexplained fever after anesthesia with this product or other anesthetics.

How to use Enflurane

  • Enflurane use is restricted to hospitals. Concentrations of 0.5 to 3% Enflurane can be used to maintain surgical levels of anesthesia.