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Understand the difference between infertility and sterility


Infertility is the difficulty of getting pregnant and sterility is the inability to get pregnant, and although these words are used interchangeably, they are not.

Most couples who do not have children and face difficulties to conceive are considered infertile because they may be able to conceive with available treatments. Only couples who have a zero pregnancy rate can be considered sterile. But, even for these, there are solutions, such as medical treatments that treat physiological problems or physical disability.

Know the main diseases that cause infertility in men and women.

Infertility is considered primary when the individual or couple has never had children, and secondary when they have already had, but are unable to become pregnant again. For some, this can happen due to some pelvic disease and can be resolved easily.

For infertile couples there are treatments such as assisted reproduction, which uses several different methods for the couple to get pregnant. Among them, we can mention In Vitro Fertilization and Ovulation Stimulation.

How to know if I'm infertile or sterile

The couple can only be considered infertile if they do not use any contraceptive method and have sex for 24 months, without being able to get pregnant. When this occurs, a doctor should be consulted to assess the couple's health in order to treat possible problems, such as polycystic ovary syndrome. See the main causes and treatments for infertility in women.

When after several exams the doctor realizes that the couple does not have any health problems, he recommends a sperm test to assess the quality of the sperm. However, in cases where sperm are not present in the semen, it may be necessary to collect sperm directly from the testicle.

After 1 year of unsuccessful natural attempts to get pregnant, you should see your doctor for tests to assess the causes of infertility.

Understand the difference between infertility and sterility