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Understand if lupus is curable


Lupus is a chronic and autoimmune inflammatory disease that, although not curable, can be controlled with the use of medications that help to decrease the action of the immune system, such as corticosteroids and immunosuppressants, in addition to care such as the application of sunscreen daily, for example, according to the guidelines of the rheumatologist or dermatologist, which helps to control and prevent crises, according to the manifestations of the disease in each person.

All patients with lupus need medical monitoring, but the disease is not always active, and it is usually possible to maintain normal day-to-day activities, such as work or leisure activities, for example.

The main symptoms that appear in this disease include red spots on the skin, especially in areas exposed to light such as face, ears or arms, hair loss, low fever, loss of appetite, joint pain and swelling and kidney malfunction, for example. See the full list of lupus symptoms to identify this disease.

How to control lupus

Although lupus has no cure, the disease can be controlled by following up with a rheumatologist, who will guide the use of drugs to reduce inflammation, which varies according to the type of disease, the organs affected and the severity of each case. The treatment options, which are also available through SUS, are:

1. Sun protection

The use of sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15, but preferably above 30, is an important way to avoid the formation of skin lesions present in discoid-type or systemic-type lupus with cutaneous manifestations. The sunscreen or blocker should always be applied in the morning, and reapplied at least once more throughout the day, depending on the local lighting and the possibility of exposure.

In addition, the use of clothing and hats are important to prevent the action of ultraviolet rays on the skin, when in sunny environments.

2. Painkillers and anti-inflammatories

Medications to relieve pain can be anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Diclofenac, or analgesics, such as Paracetamol, which are very useful for periods when pain control is needed, especially when the disease affects the joints.

3. Corticoids

Corticosteroids, or corticosteroids, are drugs widely used to control inflammation. They can be of topical use, in ointments used in skin lesions to help in their improvement and make it difficult to increase the size of wounds and blisters.

They are also used in oral form, in tablet form, made in cases of lupus, both mild, severe or situations of exacerbation of systemic disease, in which there may be damage to blood cells, kidney function, or involvement of organs such as heart, lungs and nervous system, for example.

The dose and time of use depend on the severity of the situation, for each case. In addition, there is the option of injectable corticosteroids, more used in severe cases or when it is difficult to swallow the tablet.

4. Other immunity regulators

Some drugs that can be used in conjunction with corticosteroids or used separately, to control the disease, are:

  • Antimalarials, such as chloroquine, mainly in joint disease, being useful for both systemic and discoid lupus, even in the remission phase to keep the disease under control; Immunosuppressants, such as cyclophosphamide, azathioprine or mycophenolate mofetil, for example, are used with or without corticosteroids, to weaken and calm the immune system in order to control inflammation more effectively; Immunoglobulin, is an injectable medication, made in severe cases in which there is no improvement in immunity with other medications; Biological agents, such as Rituximab and Belimumab, are new medicinal products of genetic engineering, also reserved for severe cases in which there is no improvement with other alternatives.

5. Natural options

Some daily attitudes, practiced at home, in conjunction with treatment, are also important to help keep the disease under control. Some options are:

  • No smoking; Avoid alcoholic beverages; Practice physical activity 3 to 5 times a week, during periods of remission of the disease; Eat a diet rich in omega-3, present in salmon and sardines, for example, 3 times a week; Eat food which are anti-inflammatory and photo-protective, such as green tea, ginger and apple, for example, in addition to other types of fruits and vegetables.

Check out this video, with more options and tips, to learn how to eat well and live better with this disease:

In addition, it is essential to maintain a balanced diet, avoiding the consumption of foods rich in sugar and fat, as they contribute to the increase in triglycerides, cholesterol and sugar levels, which can cause weight gain and diabetes, which can uncontroll the disease.

Other precautions include avoiding vaccines with live viruses, except under medical advice, monitoring the values ​​of calcium and vitamin D in the blood, which may decrease with the use of corticosteroids, undergoing physical therapy to prevent and treat joint pain, in addition to avoiding stress, which can influence outbreaks of the disease.

Care of lupus in pregnancy

It is possible to become pregnant when you have lupus, however, preferably, it must be a planned pregnancy, at a less severe time of the disease, and must be monitored throughout the period by the obstetrician and rheumatologist, due to the possibility of exacerbation of the disease.

In addition, medications are adjusted for pregnancy and during breastfeeding, so that it is as toxic as possible for the baby, usually with the use of low-dose steroids.

Understand if lupus is curable