Home Bulls Soy isoflavone

Soy isoflavone


Soy isoflavone is a soy compound that can be used to decrease symptoms of menopause, PMS or osteoporosis. This supplement reduces hot flashes, improves a woman's mood and psychological state, reduces cardiovascular disease, protects bones and lowers cholesterol.

Soy isoflavone is the active ingredient in medicines sold commercially under the name Soyfemme and Isoflan, and is manufactured by the laboratories Herbarium, Bionatus and Arkopharma, for example, and should only be used by medical indication.


The price of soy isoflavone varies between 25 and 45 reais depending on the region.


This remedy is recommended to relieve menopausal symptoms and PMS symptoms. In addition, it can be used to lower LDL cholesterol and fight osteoporosis.

How to use

The medicine should only be used by medical indication and in most cases, it is recommended to take 40 mg of soy isoflavones per day, which can be consumed in capsule form or in liquid form. Generally, the doctor recommends a capsule 2 times a day or a sachet diluted in half a glass of water once a day.

Side effects

Isoflavone can alter the proper functioning of the thyroid and, therefore, its use should be done under medical guidance.


This medicine should not be taken in case of allergy to soy, children, pregnant women in reproductive phase or who are breastfed.

Soy isoflavone