Home Bulls Ivermectin (ivermec)

Ivermectin (ivermec)


Ivermectin is a broad-spectrum vermifuge substance, capable of paralyzing and eliminating various types of worms that cause problems such as onchocerciasis, elephantiasis, pediculosis, ascariasis, scabies or intestinal strongyloidiasis, for example.

This substance can be ingested by adults and children over 5 years, and can be purchased in conventional pharmacies under the trade name Ivermec, Plurimec, Levercitin or Revectina, in the form of tablets.


The price of this substance can vary between 3 and 30 reais, depending on the commercial name of the drug.

What is it for

Ivermectin is indicated for the treatment of intestinal strongyloidiasis, onchocerciasis, filariasis, scabies, commonly known as scabies and also lice infestation.

How to use

This medicine is usually used in a single dose, which varies according to the problem to be treated and the person's weight:

Strongyloidiasis, filariasis, eyelids and scabies

Weight (in Kg) No. tablets (6 mg)
15 to 24 ½ tablet
25 to 35 1 tablet
36 to 50 1 ½ tablet
51 to 65 2 tablets
66 to 79 2 ½ tablets
more than 80 200 mcg per kg


Weight (in Kg) No. tablets (6 mg)
15 to 25 ½ tablet
26 to 44 1 tablet
45 to 64 1 ½ tablet
65 to 84 2 tablets
more than 85 150 mcg per Kg

The medicine should be taken on an empty stomach and one hour before the first meal of the day. It should not be taken with drugs of the barbiturate, benzodiazepine or valproic acid class.

Main side effects

The most common side effects of using this medication include diarrhea, tiredness, bellyache, loss of epso, constipation and vomiting. In some cases, dizziness, drowsiness, dizziness, tremors and hives may also appear on the skin.

Who should not take

This remedy is contraindicated for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children under 5 years or 15 kg and patients with meningitis or asthma. In addition, it should also not be used in the case of people with allergies to ivermectin or any of the other components of the formula.

Ivermectin (ivermec)