Home Bulls Ixel



Ixel is an oral medicine, which has the active substance Milnaciprana.

This medication is an antidepressant, which acts by making larger amounts of serotonin available to the body, a neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of pleasure and well-being.

Ixel indications


Side effects of Ixel

Vertigo; night sweats; anxiety; heat waves; difficulties or pain when urinating; nausea; vomiting; dry mouth; tremors, palpitations.

Contraindications for Ixel

Pregnant or lactating women; hypersensitivity to the drug; children under 15 years of age.

How to use Ixel

Oral use


  • Administer 50 mg of Ixel, twice a day (morning and evening), preferably with a meal. The duration of treatment depends on the symptoms.