Home Bulls Soy lecithin in menopause: benefits, what it is for and how to take it

Soy lecithin in menopause: benefits, what it is for and how to take it


The use of soy lecithin is an excellent way to reduce the symptoms of menopause, as it is rich in essential polyunsaturated fatty acids and in B complex nutrients such as choline, phosphatides and inositol, which act in a beneficial way in the hormonal changes typical of this one. period.

Soy lecithin is derived from soy, a vegetable that has active ingredients capable of compensating for the lack of the hormone estrogen. This is decreased in menopause, which is why its benefit is so visible at this stage of life, reducing some discomforts, such as emotional instability, hot flashes, insomnia and obesity.

In addition, this herbal medicine has other benefits, such as relieving PMS symptoms, fighting headache, fighting high cholesterol and helping you lose weight. Check out the other properties of soy lecithin in soy lecithin benefits.

What is it for

The components of soy lecithin in menopause have the following benefits:

  • Decrease hot flashes; Reduce vaginal dryness; Improve libido; Control hormonal changes; Decrease bone loss, which can lead to osteoporosis; Combat insomnia.

In addition, soy lecithin in the diet is indicated to help you lose weight, since weight gain is important during menopause. Learn more about how to identify menopausal symptoms and what to do when they arise.

How to take

Soy lecithin can be consumed in several ways, be it more natural, through the ingestion of grains and soy sprouts, as well as in the form of food supplements, in capsules and tablets. The recommended dose of soy lecithin per day ranges from 0.5g to 2g, and it is generally recommended to use 2 capsules, 3 times a day, during meals and with a little water. Check out how the diet should be to fight the symptoms of menopause.

The soy lecithin supplement is purchased at pharmacies and health food stores, for a price ranging from 25 to 100 reais, depending on the quantity and location it sells.

In addition to the supplementation of this herbal medicine, if the symptoms are severe, the gynecologist may also recommend treatment with hormone replacement drugs.

Soy lecithin in menopause: benefits, what it is for and how to take it