Home Bulls Leucine



Leucine is an amino acid found in food, used as a dietary supplement to increase physical endurance in athletes and enhance muscle growth.

Leucine can be found in supermarkets, or in stores specializing in the sale of nutritional supplements, under the trade name M-tor leucine, Leucine pure, Leucix or Leukic.

Leucine Indications

Leucine is indicated to enhance the increase and recovery of muscle mass after intense physical exercises in athletes.

Leucine Price

The price of Leucine powder varies between 65.00 to 170.00 reais, according to the brand and the size of the package, available in 150 g to 500 g.

The price of Leucine in capsules can vary from 9.00 to 225.00 reais, depending on the number of capsules in each bottle.

Directions for use of Leucine.

How to use Leucine powder consists of adding 2 tablespoons of leucine powder to 250 ml of milk, juice or water and drinking before and after training.

In the case of Leucine in capsule, one should take 1 capsule before and after physical exercise.

Leucine contraindication

Leucine is contraindicated for patients with restricted protein intake or allergic to the product.
