Home Bulls Modeling massage: benefits, how-to and results

Modeling massage: benefits, how-to and results


The shaping massage uses strong and deep manual movements reorganizing the fat layers promoting a more beautiful body contour, disguising the localized fat. In addition, it works by improving peripheral vascular circulation and local metabolism by eliminating toxins.

Modeling massage is detoxifying, improves venous return, increases ATP production by 500%, transporting amino acids and proteins. In addition, it also increases muscle tone and acts on cell regeneration, and these effects are maintained for up to 48 hours.

Shaping massage lose weight?

The modeling massage can reorganize the adipose tissue, leaving a thinner appearance, however, it does not eliminate fat, nor change weight and BMI. However, its results may be sufficient for people who are close to their ideal weight, improving their body appearance, thinning the waist, with a decrease of 5-10 cm in the abdominal region. These results can be confirmed through photographs of before and after treatment.

How to do the modeling massage

To do the shaping massage it is necessary to use fast and strong movements in places of accumulation of fat, such as abdomen, arms, hips, buttocks and breeches. This type of massage uses a classic aesthetic maneuver with constant rhythm,

approximately 5 seconds for each movement, moderate intensity and pressure.

The modeling massage can be performed by estheticians or physiotherapists specialized in functional dermato, but usually protocols that involve more aesthetic treatments are used to achieve excellent results.

Modeling massage results

The results of the shaping massage begin to appear after 6-8 sessions where it is observed that the fat initially lasts, becomes more malleable, and better destroyed in the body. However, its effects can be temporary, and with the increase in calorie intake and physical inactivity, there may be a new accumulation of fat, especially in the abdominal region, compromising the results. Thus, during treatment and immediately afterwards, it is recommended to associate a balanced diet and exercise regularly to perpetuate the results.


The contraindications for modeling massage include pregnant women and patients with fever, heart problems, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and varicose veins.

Modeling massage: benefits, how-to and results