Home Symptoms What is cavernous angioma, symptoms and treatment

What is cavernous angioma, symptoms and treatment


Cavernous angioma is a benign tumor formed by an abnormal accumulation of blood vessels in the brain or spinal cord and, rarely, elsewhere in the body.

Cavernous angioma is formed by small blisters that contain blood and can be diagnosed by means of magnetic resonance imaging.

Generally, cavernous angioma is hereditary, and in these cases, it is normal to have more than one angioma. However, it can develop after birth, in isolation or be associated with venous angioma.

Cavernous angioma can be dangerous, because when it is large it can compress regions of the brain and cause symptoms such as problems with balance and vision or seizures, for example. In addition, cavernous angioma can bleed, causing paralysis, neurological sequelae or even death, especially if it is located in the brain stem, which is responsible for vital functions, such as breathing or heartbeat, for example.

Cavernous angioma in the brain stem

Cavernous angioma in the brain

Symptoms of cavernous angioma

Symptoms of cavernous angioma vary by location, but can include:

  • Headaches; Convulsions; Weakness or numbness on one side of the body; Problems with vision, hearing or balance; Difficulty concentrating, paying attention or memorizing.

Cavernous angioma is usually diagnosed only when it originates symptoms, using tests such as magnetic resonance imaging.

Treatment for cavernous angioma

Treatment for cavernous angioma is usually only necessary when it causes symptoms. In this way, the neurologist can prescribe anti-seizure drugs or pain relievers to reduce seizures and treat headaches, respectively.

Surgery to remove the cavernous angioma is also a form of treatment, but it is only done when the seizures do not go away with the drugs, the cavernous angioma bleeds or is increasing in size with time.

What is cavernous angioma, symptoms and treatment