Home Bulls What is music therapy and its benefits

What is music therapy and its benefits


In addition to providing a sense of well-being, music when used as therapy can bring health benefits such as improving mood, concentration and logical reasoning. Music therapy is a good option for children to develop better, having a greater capacity for learning but it can also be used in companies or as an option for personal growth.

Music therapy is a type of treatment that uses music with lyrics or only in instrumental form, in addition to instruments such as guitar, flute and other percussion instruments where the goal is not to learn to sing or play an instrument, but to know how to recognize the sounds of each one. be able to express your emotions through these sounds.

Main benefits

Music therapy stimulates good mood, increases mood and, consequently, reduces anxiety, stress and depression and furthermore:

  • Improves body expressionIncreases breathing capacityStimulates motor coordinationControls blood pressure Relieves headachesImproves behavioral disordersHelp in mental illnessesImproves quality of lifeHelps to tolerate cancer treatmentHelps to endure chronic pain

Music therapy has been increasingly practiced in schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and by people with special needs. However, this technique can also be done during pregnancy, to calm babies and in old age, but it must be guided by a music therapist.

Effects on the body

Music acts directly on the region of the brain that is responsible for emotions, generating motivation and affection, in addition to increasing the production of endorphins, which is a substance naturally produced by the body, which generates a sensation of pleasure. This is because the brain responds naturally when it hears a song, and more than memories, music when used as a form of treatment can guarantee a healthier life.

What is music therapy and its benefits