Home Bulls What is aortic atheromatosis and how to treat

What is aortic atheromatosis and how to treat


Atheromatous disease of the aorta arises when fatty plaques form in the aorta artery, which is the body's main blood vessel. Thus, this disease is a type of arteriosclerosis that prevents good blood circulation and can cause problems such as heart attack and stroke.

Atheromatosis of the aorta affects mainly men over 50 and women after menopause, and its treatment is done according to the severity of the problem, and it may be necessary to undergo surgery.

Atheromatous Aorta Symptoms

Symptoms of aorta atheromatosis appear only when the blood vessel is severely obstructed and vary according to the region of the aorta that has been affected.

When this happens, symptoms such as pain when walking, erectile dysfunction, decreased muscle strength and the amount of hair on the leg may appear.


The diagnosis of atheromatosis of the aorta is made through the patient's clinical history, the evaluation of the presence of diseases such as high cholesterol and hypertension, and tests such as electrocardiogram, ultrasound, Doppler examination, arteriography and blood test.

Treatment for Aortic Atheromatosis Disease

The treatment of this disease is done through changes in diet, physical activity and use of medications that help control cholesterol, pressure and diabetes. In cases of overweight, weight loss is recommended to decrease the risk of complications such as heart attack and thrombosis.

In addition, in more severe cases, it may be necessary to perform surgery to remove the fatty plaques from the artery or bypass the bypass, which improves blood circulation in the affected region. See more about treatment here.

Who can have

The risk factors that favor the development of atheromatosis of the aorta are the same linked to arteriosclerosis, such as:

  • Family history of arteriosclerosis; High blood pressure; High cholesterol and triglycerides; Diabetes; Lack of physical activity; Age over 50 years.

It is important to remember that this disease usually begins to develop in young adults and worsens over time. In addition, it can also appear in children with a family history of high cholesterol and being overweight.

See more tips to avoid complications at:

What is aortic atheromatosis and how to treat