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Kwashiorkor: causes, symptoms and treatment


Kwashiorkor malnutrition is a nutrition disorder that occurs most frequently in regions where people are hungry, such as sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia and Central America, occurring more frequently in periods of floods, drought or for political reasons, for example.

This syndrome happens due to poor nutrition caused by lack of protein in the diet, which can cause symptoms such as weight loss, changes in skin and hair color and swelling in the feet and belly.

Pure kwashiorkor is characterized by inadequate protein intake, in the presence of adequate caloric intake, which can be confused with Marasmus, which consists of a disease caused by a diet low in carbohydrates and fat. However, there is also malnutrition of the marasmatic Kwashiorkor type, in which there is a great nutritional poverty of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Find out what marasmus is, what the symptoms are and how the treatment is done.

Possible causes

This disease is caused by a deficiency of proteins in the diet, very important for the cells of the body, which contain protein that is necessary to repair the cells, produce new cells and very useful in metabolic processes. In addition, proteins are also very important in childhood, during growth and in pregnancy, so in their absence, growth and body functions are compromised. Here's how to know if your child is at the right weight.

When Kwashiorkor happens, for example, in the United States, it can be a sign of abuse, neglect or diets that are very high in fat, being, therefore, more observed in children and the elderly. However, it can also be a sign of another condition, such as HIV.

What are the signs and symptoms

The most common signs and symptoms that can occur in people with this disease are:

  • Changes in skin and hair color; Tiredness; Diarrhea; Loss of muscle mass; Deficiencies in growth or weight gain; Swelling of the ankles, feet and belly; Changes in the immune system; Irritability; Skin rash; Extreme thinness; Shock.

In addition to these symptoms, people with this disease usually also have an enlarged liver, which is a disease also known as hepatomegaly. Learn more about enlarged liver.

In addition, these people tend to be deficient in specific micronutrients, such as vitamins A and D, folic acid and iron, and one or more nutrients essential for growth, including proteins, electrolytes and zinc. For all these reasons, they can also suffer from numerous associated complications, being more susceptible to infections, especially sepsis, pneumonia, and gastroenteritis.

What is the diagnosis

If Kwashiorkor's disease is suspected, the doctor can examine the size of the liver and also look for swelling in the feet, ankles and belly, which is very characteristic of this disease.

In addition, the doctor can also do blood and urine tests in order to measure the signs of malnutrition, by assessing the levels of protein and sugar in the blood.

How the treatment is done

This disease can be easily treated by eating more protein and more calories in a nutritionally balanced way, but treatment should start as soon as possible.

First, foods with a higher content of carbohydrates and fats should be eaten, and after receiving enough energy from these foods, foods rich in protein should be introduced. Calories must be increased gradually so that the body can adjust to this nutritional increase. The doctor may also recommend adding vitamin and mineral supplements to the diet.

Even with this treatment, children who have had Kwashiorkor's disease may never again reach their potential growth and weight gain. This happens very often when the treatment is done too late, and can cause permanent physical and mental disabilities in the child.

If not treated in a timely manner, this disease can lead to coma, shock and death.

How to feed

After gradual adaptation, foods with adequate amounts of protein, fat and carbohydrates should be consumed.

Proteins can be found in foods like seafood, eggs, meat, beans, nuts and seeds, for example. Discover more protein-rich foods.

Kwashiorkor: causes, symptoms and treatment