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Learn what lupus is and how it is treated


Lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease that causes a person's defense cells to attack their own healthy cells, causing inflammation in the joints, skin, eyes, kidneys, brain, heart or lungs, and is not a type of cancer.

Generally, symptoms of lupus appear after birth, but in some cases, it may appear years later due to an infection, the use of some medications, or even due to overexposure to the sun, for example.

Although lupus has no cure, there are some treatments that help to relieve symptoms and prevent them from reappearing so it is recommended to be accompanied by a rheumatologist.

Main symptoms of lupus

The main symptoms are listed below, so if you think you may have this disease, check the symptoms you have:

  1. 1. Red spot in the shape of butterfly wings on the face, over the nose and cheeks? Yes No
  2. 2. Several red spots on the skin that peel and heal, leaving a scar slightly lower than the skin? Yes No
  3. 3. Skin spots that appear after exposure to sunlight? Yes No
  4. 4. Small painful sores in the mouth or inside the nose? Yes No
  5. 5. Pain or swelling in one or more joints? Yes No
  6. 6. Episodes of seizures or mental changes with no apparent cause? Yes No

These symptoms vary in each case, depending on the organs affected and, therefore, it can be difficult to diagnose the disease, especially as it presents symptoms that may indicate other diseases. Learn more about how the disease is diagnosed at: How to know if it is lupus.

Symptoms may appear quickly or develop over time, and may become permanent but usually improve with appropriate treatment.

How is the treatment of lupus

The treatment varies according to the symptoms manifested by the patient and, therefore, it is advisable to consult the specialist doctor according to the type of symptom and the affected organ.

However, the most used treatments in cases of lupus are:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Naproxen or Ibuprofen: are used mainly when lupus causes symptoms such as pain, swelling or fever; Antimalarial drugs, such as chloroquine: help to prevent the development of lupus symptoms in some cases; Corticosteroid drugs, such as Prednisone or Betamethasone: reduce inflammation of the affected organs; Immunosuppressive remedies: such as Azathioprine or Methotrexate, to decrease the action of the immune system and relieve symptoms. However, this type of medication has serious side effects such as recurrent infections and an increased risk of cancer and, therefore, should only be used in the most severe cases.

Some medications can have side effects that affect the eyes causing pain, redness and inflammation and if this happens the doctor can assess whether there is a possibility to exchange the medication for a similar one other than this same side effect. Learn more at: 7 Rheumatological diseases that can affect the eyes.

How food can help

Watch the following video that we have prepared for you:

Suitable foods are anti-inflammatory foods, such as:

  • Salmon, tuna, cod, herring, mackerel, sardines and trout as they are rich in omega 3Green tea, garlic, oats, onions, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage, flaxseed, soy, tomatoes and grapes as they are antioxidantsAvocado, orange sorrel, lemon, tomato, onion, carrot, lettuce, cucumber, turnip, cabbage, sprouted, beet, lentil, as they are alkalizing foods.

In addition, it is also recommended that you invest in organic and whole foods and drink plenty of water every day. See a menu that helps control the symptoms of the disease.

Main types of lupus

This disease can be divided into 3 main categories, including:

1. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

It causes inflammation in various organs of the body, especially the heart, kidneys and lungs, causing different symptoms according to the affected sites.

2. Discoid Lupus

It causes the appearance of lesions only on the skin, not affecting other organs. However, some patients with discoid lupus may develop the disease into systemic lupus.

3. Drug-induced lupus

It is a temporary inflammation of the skin that arises due to the use of certain medications. Although it presents symptoms similar to lupus, this type disappears when the drug is stopped, leaving the person cured.

What causes lupus

This is an autoimmune disease that is usually caused by genetic mutations that occur during the development of the fetus in the womb and, therefore, it is very common for symptoms to appear during childhood.

However, it is possible to be born without the disease and develop symptoms only during adulthood, due to factors that can cause the disease such as exposure to the sun, infections or the use of medications, such as antibiotics or medicines for high blood pressure.

How to protect the skin

When lupus causes wounds and blemishes on the body, the skin is more sensitive to sunburn and UV rays, which increases the chances of skin cancer. The best way to protect yourself is to cover the affected skin and avoid sun exposure. Wearing sunscreen daily, even if it's not sunny, a hat, sunglasses and clothes that cover the skin are great ways to prevent lesions that favor the onset of skin cancer.

Learn what lupus is and how it is treated