Home Symptoms Adrenal fatigue: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options

Adrenal fatigue: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options


Adrenal fatigue is a term used to describe the body's difficulty in dealing with high levels of stress for a long time, causing symptoms such as pain in the whole body, difficulty concentrating, the desire to eat very salty foods or persistent tiredness, even after sleeping well..

Although adrenal fatigue is still not recognized as a disease by traditional medicine, many naturopaths believe that this type of fatigue arises when the adrenal glands, which are above the kidney, fail to produce adequate levels of cortisol, causing the body have more difficulty dealing with stress and avoiding its consequences. Know all the risks of high levels of stress and anxiety.

Usually, treatment is done with changes in lifestyle and eating habits, but supplementation with medicinal plants can also be used to help relieve stress in a natural way.

Main symptoms

The most common symptoms of adrenal fatigue can include:

  • Excessive tiredness; Pain in the whole body; Weight loss without apparent cause; Decreased blood pressure; Willingness for very sweet or salty foods; Frequent dizziness; Recurrent infections, such as flu or colds.

In addition, it is also quite common the feeling of increased energy at the end of the day, which happens due to unregulated levels of cortisol, which can cause spikes in the early evening, which can result in insomnia.

What tests help in diagnosis

There are still no tests capable of proving adrenal fatigue, however, the doctor or naturopath may suspect this diagnosis through the symptoms and the clinical history of each person.

In many cases, it is still common for the doctor to order several laboratory tests to identify whether there is another disease that may be causing the symptoms.

How the treatment is done

The main form of treatment for adrenal fatigue is to adopt good daily habits, in addition to eating healthy. Thus, some important habits to relieve symptoms are:

  • Participate in leisure activities, such as gardening, yoga, gymnastics or dancing; Minimize the sources of physical, emotional or psychological stress. Here are some techniques to reduce stress and anxiety; Sleep 8 hours a night, or between 7 to 9 hours; Avoid foods with a lot of sugar, such as cakes, soft drinks or sweets; Avoid high fat foods, such as fried foods, sausages or fatty cheeses; Decrease alcohol consumption, especially at the end of the day.

In addition, naturopaths often also indicate the use of supplements with extracts of medicinal plants, to help in relaxation and decrease stress levels.

Natural treatment with medicinal plants

Medicinal plants should, if possible, be used in the form of supplements because the concentration of their active ingredients is much higher than any tea or infusion, with faster effects. Some of the most used plants are:

  • Licorice: 1 to 4 grams, 3 times a day; Ashwagandha: 2 to 3 grams, 2 times a day; Panax ginseng: 200 to 600 mg per day; Rhodiola rosea: 100 to 300 mg, 3 times a day.

This type of supplement should always be guided by a naturopath, as there are some plants that are contraindicated for pregnant women or the elderly, as well as they may have interactions with some medications used, for example.

Adrenal fatigue: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options