Home Bulls What is isotretinoin and what side effects

What is isotretinoin and what side effects


Isotretinoin is indicated for the treatment of severe forms of acne and acne conditions resistant to previous treatments, in which systemic antibiotics and topical drugs have been used.

Isotretinoin can be purchased in pharmacies, and the brand or generic and gel or capsules can be chosen, requiring the presentation of a prescription to purchase any of the formulations.

The price of isotretinoin gel with 30 grams can vary between 16 and 39 reais and the price of boxes with 30 isotretinoin capsules can vary between 47 and 172 reais, depending on the dosage. Isotretinoin is also available under the trade names Roacutan and Acnova.

How to use

The way of using Isotretinoin depends on the pharmaceutical form that the doctor indicates:

1. Gel

Apply on the affected area once a day, preferably at night with the skin washed and dry. The gel, once opened, must be used within 3 months.

Learn how to properly wash your skin with acne.

2. Capsules

Isotretinoin dosage should be determined by the physician. Generally, treatment with isotretinoin is started at 0.5 mg / kg per day, and for most patients, the dose can vary between 0.5 and 1.0 mg / kg / day.

People with very severe illness or acne on the trunk may need higher daily doses, up to 2.0 mg / kg. The duration of treatment varies depending on the daily dose and the complete decrease in symptoms or resolution of acne usually occurs between 16 to 24 weeks of treatment.

How it works

Isotretinoin is a substance derived from vitamin A, which is associated with a decrease in the activity of sebum-producing glands, as well as a reduction in its size, contributing to the reduction of inflammation.

Know the main types of acne.

Who should not use

Isotretinoin is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as in patients using tetracyclines and derivatives, who have very high cholesterol levels or are hypersensitive to isotretinoin or any substance contained in the capsule or gel.

This medication should also not be used by people with liver failure and allergies to soy, because it contains soy oils in the composition.

Possible side effects

The most common side effects that may occur during treatment with isotretinoin capsules are anemia, increased or decreased platelets, elevated sedimentation rate, inflammation at the edge of the eyelid, conjunctivitis, irritation and dryness of the eye, transient and reversible elevations of transaminases liver disorders, skin fragility, itchy skin, dry skin and lips, muscle and joint pain, increased serum triglycerides and cholesterol and decreased HDL.

The adverse effects that can occur with the use of the gel are itching, burning, irritation, erythema and peeling of the skin in the region where the product is applied.

What is isotretinoin and what side effects