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Persecution mania: how to identify and treat


Persecution mania is a psychological disorder that usually arises due to low self-esteem and self-confidence, which leads the person to think that everyone is looking at it, commenting on it or laughing at it, and can often interfere with the person's behavior and lead to isolation.

Depending on each person and their characteristics, the mania of persecution can manifest itself in different intensities. For example, for the mild degree, it is normal for the main sign to be shyness, in the most severe cases, it is common for more serious psychological changes to appear, such as panic syndrome, depression or schizophrenia, which lead to changes in thinking and of emotions. Understand what schizophrenia is, symptoms and how treatment is done.

The best way to treat the mania of persecution is through psychological or psychiatric monitoring, in which the cause of the disorder will be investigated and, therefore, measures are taken to combat this sensation that causes discomfort and malaise for the person.

How to recognize the persecution mania

People with a persecution habit usually find themselves isolated, do not usually live together or interact with other people, as they fear what others think about themselves and end up speculating what other people may think about their behavior or what they say.

The main characteristics of the person with persecution mania are:

  • Thinking that everyone is watching her, making comments or laughing at her, distrusting everything and everyone, not being open to new relationships and not deepening old relationships, low self-esteem and self-confidence, which can lead to insecurity and isolation; Thinking that you are guilty of all problems, even if not related to the person, which can cause frequent distress and malaise; Comparison with others becomes frequent, increasing criticism of yourself.

Depending on the intensity of the persecution mania, there may be uncontrollable fear, excessive production of sweat and tremors, in addition to hallucinations, visual or auditory changes, being more common in cases where the persecution mania is a consequence of schizophrenia, for example.

How To Treat Persecution Craze

To treat the mania of persecution, it is recommended to seek help from a psychologist or psychiatrist in order to assess the characteristics that the person has and, thus, indicate the cause of the mania and be able to start treatment.

The treatment usually consists mainly of self-knowledge, understanding and accepting its characteristics, as well as actions that increase your confidence and self-esteem, such as practicing physical activities, looking for environments that bring a sense of peace and tranquility and valuing relationships that bring feeling of well-being.

In addition, it is important to remain open to new and old relationships, strengthening ties, and to see comments, good or bad, as something constructive and that can help build more confidence about yourself, in addition to not being afraid of opinion of others. Here are some attitudes that help to increase self-esteem.

Persecution mania: how to identify and treat