Home Bulls H. pylori: what it is, how to get it and treatment

H. pylori: what it is, how to get it and treatment


Remedies to treat H. pylori

The most commonly used drug regimen to cure H. pylori is the combination of a stomach protector, which may be Omeprazole 20mg, Ianzoprazole 30mg, Pantoprazole 40mg or Rabeprazole 20mg, with antibiotics, usually Clarithromycin 500 mg, Amoxicillin 1000 mg or Metronidazole 500mg, which can be used separately or combined in a tablet, such as Pyloripac.

This treatment must be done in a period of 7 to 14 days, 2 times a day, or according to medical advice, and must be strictly followed to avoid the development of bacteria resistant to drugs.

Other antibiotic options that can be used in cases of treatment-resistant infections are Bismuth Subsalicylate, Tetracycline, Tinidazole or Levofloxacin.

Home treatment

There are homemade alternatives that can complement treatment with drugs, as they help to control stomach symptoms and control the proliferation of bacteria, however they do not replace medical treatment.

The consumption of foods rich in zinc, such as oysters, meats, wheat germ and whole grains, for example, in addition to strengthening the immune system, facilitate the healing of ulcers and reduce inflammation in the stomach.

Foods that help eliminate stomach bacteria, such as natural yogurt, because they are rich in probiotics, or thyme and ginger, because they have antibacterial properties can also be a great way to help treatment.

In addition, there are foods that help control acidity and reduce discomfort caused by gastritis, such as bananas and potatoes. Check out some recipes for home treatments for gastritis and see what the diet should be like when treating gastritis and ulcers.

How it is transmitted

Infection by the bacteria H. pylori is very common, there are indications that it can be caught through saliva or through oral contact with water and food that had contact with contaminated feces, however, its transmission has not been fully clarified.

So, to prevent this infection, it is very important to take care with hygiene, such as washing your hands before eating and after going to the bathroom, in addition to avoid sharing cutlery and glasses with other people.

How to identify and diagnose

It is very common to be infected by this bacterium, without symptoms occurring. However, it can destroy the natural barrier that protects the internal walls of the stomach and intestine, which are affected by gastric acid, in addition to increasing the inflammation capacity of tissues in this region. This causes symptoms such as:

  • Pain or burning sensation in the stomach; Lack of appetite; Nausea; Vomiting; Bloody stools and anemia, as a result of erosion of the stomach walls.

The diagnosis of the presence of H. pylori is usually done with a biopsy collection of tissue from the stomach or duodenum, which can be used to detect bacteria, such as the urease test, culture or tissue evaluation. See how the urease test is done to detect H. pylori .

Other possible tests are the urea respiratory detection test, serology done by blood test or the fecal detection test. See other details on how to identify the symptoms of H. pylori .

H. pylori: what it is, how to get it and treatment