Home Bulls Plasma jet: what it is and what it is for

Plasma jet: what it is and what it is for


The plasma jet is an aesthetic treatment that can be used against wrinkles, expression lines, dark spots on the skin, scars and stretch marks. This treatment increases the production of collagen and elastic fibers, reduces the keloid and also facilitates the entry of assets into the skin.

Plasma jet treatment can be done every 15-30 days after the skin has recovered from the aggression. Each session lasts about 20 minutes and the results can be seen in the first treatment session. The places where it can be applied are:

  • Face, in wrinkles and expression lines; Face and body in sun spots; On warts, except genital and plantar warts; Body parts with dermatosis in general; Eyelids; Dark circles; White spots on the skin; Small tattoos for whitening; All over the face, in order to obtain a lifting effect; Neck and neck, to rejuvenate the skin; White or red streaks; Expression marks; Flaccidity; Scars.

About 24 hours after the sessions, sunscreen with a minimum SPF 30 or higher should be used to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun. In addition, it may be necessary to use a specific cream or ointment to aid healing, which will be recommended by the professional who performs the technique.

How it works

Plasma is considered the fourth state of matter, in which electrons separate from atoms, producing an ionized gas. It is in the form of luminous radiation and is formed by a high voltage current, which in contact with atmospheric air, causes these electrons to come off the atom. This discharge causes the skin to be reduced and a process of regeneration, healing, stimulation of the immune system, proliferation and collagen remodeling to be activated, thus obtaining the desired dermal result.

In addition, the skin's cell membranes contain channels that serve to transport water, nutritional elements and positive and negative ions, and aging increases the difficulty of transporting sodium and potassium ions. Plasma discharge is used to open these channels, allowing cells to be hydrated again and the skin to become firmer.

The plasma jet treatment causes some pain and discomfort and therefore an anesthetic gel can be used before the procedure.

Caring for

On the day of treatment, it is recommended not to apply makeup to the area to be treated.

After treatment, the person may experience a burning sensation, which should last for a few hours. The professional can apply a product that soothes and helps to regenerate the treated area and recommend the use for more days, in addition to the use of sunscreen.

If the treatment is carried out for the purpose of rejuvenation, the person must use a specific cream for treatment at home.


The plasma jet treatment should not be performed in people who use a cardiac pacemaker, who suffer from epilepsy, during pregnancy, in case of cancer or who have metallic implants in the body, take photosensitizing drugs, such as isotretinoin, for example.

Plasma jet: what it is and what it is for