- Most common symptoms
- Why the syndrome arises
- How to confirm the diagnosis
- How to treat the symptoms of the syndrome
Computer vision syndrome is a set of symptoms and problems related to vision that appears in people who spend a lot of time in front of the computer screen, tablet or cell phone, the most common being the appearance of the sensation of eyes dry.
Although the syndrome does not affect everyone in the same way, its symptoms appear to be more intense the longer you are in front of a screen.
Thus, people who spend a lot of time in front of a screen and have symptoms related to vision should consult an ophthalmologist to identify if there is a problem and start the most appropriate treatment.
Most common symptoms
Symptoms that are more common in people who spend a lot of time in front of a screen include:
- Burning eyes; Frequent headache; Blurred vision; Sensation of dry eyes.
In addition, it is also very common that in addition to vision problems, muscle or joint pain may also arise, especially in the neck or shoulders, due to being in the same posture for a long time.
Typically, the factors that contribute to the appearance of these symptoms include poor lighting of the space, being at an incorrect distance from the screen, having poor sitting posture or having vision problems that are not being corrected with the use of glasses, for example. Here are some tips for maintaining good sitting posture.
Why the syndrome arises
Staying in front of a screen for a long time makes the eyes have more work to keep up with the demand than is happening on the monitor, so the eyes become more easily tired and can develop symptoms more quickly.
In addition, when looking at the screen, the eye also blinks less often, which ends up contributing to its dryness, resulting in dry eye and burning sensation.
Associated with the use of the computer may also be other factors such as poor lighting or poor posture, which over time will aggravate other symptoms such as difficulty in seeing or muscle pain.
How to confirm the diagnosis
In most cases the diagnosis of computer vision syndrome is made by the ophthalmologist after a vision exam and an assessment of the history and habits of each person.
During the vision exam, the doctor can use different devices and even apply a few drops to the eye.
How to treat the symptoms of the syndrome
Treatment for computer vision syndrome should be guided by an ophthalmologist and may vary according to the symptoms presented by each person.
However, the most used types of treatment are:
- Application of lubricating eye drops, such as Lacril or Systane: to improve the sensation of dry eye and burning; Wearing glasses: to correct vision problems, especially in people who cannot see very far; Do eye therapy: includes several exercises that help the eyes to focus better.
In addition to all this, it is still important to adequate the conditions in which the computer is used, placing the screen at a distance of 40 to 70 cm from the eyes, using adequate lighting that does not cause glare on the monitor and maintaining a correct posture while you are seated.
Check out the best ways to treat dry eye and reduce burning and discomfort.