Panic syndrome is a psychological disorder in which sudden and frequent bouts of extreme fear and dread occur, causing symptoms such as cold sweat and heart palpitations.
These crises prevent the individual from leading a normal life, as he is afraid that the crises will return and avoid dangerous situations. For example, if the crisis occurred in an elevator, it is common for the patient not to want to use the elevator again at work or at home.
Main symptoms
The duration of a panic syndrome attack depends on its severity, but it usually lasts for about 10 minutes, and can occur at any time, even during sleep. If you think you may be suffering, or have already suffered, from a panic attack, select your symptoms:
- 1. Increased heartbeat or palpitations Yes No
- 2. Chest pain, with a feeling of "tightness" Yes No
- 3. Feeling of shortness of breath Yes No
- 4. Feeling weak or faint Yes No
- 5. Tingling of the hands Yes No
- 6. Feeling of terror or imminent danger Yes No
- 7. Feeling of heat and cold sweat Yes No
- 8. Fear of dying Yes No
It is important to remember that some symptoms can take hours to disappear, and that patients with this syndrome feel a loss of control over themselves during the attack, living with an intense fear of having new crises. In addition, they also often avoid going to places where they have had a panic attack in the past. To see more symptoms that characterize the crisis, see: How to identify a Panic Crisis.
What causes the panic crisis
Panic syndrome does not have a definite cause, but it appears to be an inherited disease that mainly affects women and that usually appears in late adolescence and early adulthood.
In addition, it is common for some people to experience a panic attack in their lives, but never to experience symptoms again and not develop the syndrome.
How to diagnose and treat
Panic syndrome is diagnosed by a psychologist or psychiatrist based on the evaluation of the symptoms presented, and its treatment is done with the use of antidepressant drugs that reduce anxiety, but which should only be taken according to medical advice.
In addition, it is also necessary to do psychotherapy so that the patient learns different ways on how to think and react in dangerous situations, helping to reduce anxiety and fear, preventing a new panic attack.
It is important to remember that the cure for this disease depends on its severity and the patient's dedication to treatment, with people who are able to fully cure or control the symptoms of the disease more easily. See how to do the natural treatment of panic syndrome.
Pregnancy Panic Syndrome
Due to hormonal changes and concerns about the baby, it is common for anxiety to increase during pregnancy, which can favor the onset of panic attacks, especially in women who have previously had seizures.
When left untreated, this disease can cause complications for pregnancy such as:
- Increased risk of pre-eclampsia; Premature delivery; Increased number of caesarean sections; Low birth weight; Decreased fetal movements.
The treatment of this syndrome during pregnancy should be based primarily on psychotherapy, as the use of medications can affect the development of the fetus. However, in some cases the use of medication is really necessary, but it should be done in low doses and only under medical guidance. In addition, it is also important for the woman to follow the treatment after the baby is born, as during this stage the chances of having a panic attack are increased.
To get over the crisis more quickly, see what to do during a panic attack.