Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra that can be caused by internal or external trauma or by infection with some type of bacteria, which can affect both men and women.
There are 2 main types of urethritis:
- Gonococcal urethritis: arises from infection with the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae , responsible for gonorrhea and, therefore, there is a risk of also having gonorrhea; Non-gonococcal urethritis: it is caused by infection by other bacteria, such as Chlamydia trachomatis or E. coli , for example.
Depending on its cause, symptoms can vary and, in the same way, treatment must also be done differently, to ensure a cure. Thus, whenever symptoms of urinary problems appear, consult the gynecologist or urologist to start the appropriate treatment.
Main symptoms
Symptoms of gonococcal urethritis include:
- Yellowish-green discharge, in large quantities, purulent and with a bad smell from the urethra; Difficulty and burning in urinating; Willingness to urinate frequently with little amount of urine.
Symptoms of non-gonococcal urethritis include:
- Little whitish discharge, which accumulates after urinating; Burning when urinating; Itching in the urethra; Discreet difficulty in urinating.
Generally, non-gonococcal urethritis is asymptomatic, that is, it does not generate symptoms.
See other common causes of painful urination and itchy penis.
How to confirm the diagnosis
The diagnosis of urethritis can be made by the urologist or gynecologist by observing the symptoms and analyzing the secretions that should be sent for laboratory analysis. In most cases, the doctor may advise you to start treatment even before the results of the tests, based on the symptoms presented.
How the treatment is done
Treatment for urethritis should be performed using antibiotic drugs, however, the antibiotic varies according to the type of urethritis:
In the treatment of non-gonococcal urethritis, it is usually used:
- Azithromycin: single dose of 1 tablet of 1 g or; Doxycycline: 100 mg, Oral, 2 times a day, for 7 days.
As for treating gonococcal urethritis, the use of:
- Ceftriaxone: 250 mg, by intramuscular injection in a single dose.
The symptoms of urethritis can often be confused with those of another problem called Urethral Syndrome, which is an inflammation of the urethra, which causes symptoms such as abdominal pain, urinary urgency, pain and irritation when urinating and a feeling of pressure in the abdomen.
Possible causes
Urethritis can be caused by internal trauma, which can happen when using a bladder tube to remove urine, as in the case of people admitted to a hospital. In addition, it can also be caused by bacteria such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma urealyticum , HSV or adenovirus.
Infectious urethritis is transmitted by unprotected intimate contact or by the migration of bacteria from the intestines, in this case women are more prone due to the proximity between the anus and the urethra.