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Carnitine: what is it for and how to take it


Carnitine is an element naturally synthesized in the body by the liver and kidneys from essential amino acids, such as lysine and methionine, which is present in some foods, such as meat and fish. Carnitine plays a key role in transporting fats, from adipocytes to cell mitochondria, which is where carnitine is transformed into energy when the body needs it.

L-carnitine is the biologically active form of carnitine and is stored mainly in the muscles, being widely used in supplements in order to enhance the burning of fat, generate more energy for the muscles and improve physical performance, being widely consumed by athletes or people who want to lose weight.

Benefits of L-carnitine

Carnitine is widely used mainly to lose weight, however, the studies that bring this relationship are quite controversial, since there are studies that indicate that L-carnitine supplementation increases its concentration in the body, activating oxidation and, as a consequence, helps to decrease the fat accumulated in the body of obese people.

On the other hand, there are also studies that indicate that oral carnitine consumption does not promote changes in the concentration of carnitine in healthy non-obese people and does not cause weight loss. In addition, other benefits that could be obtained with L-carnitine supplementation are:

  • Increased body defenses, since it can exert antioxidant action, eliminating free radicals; Improved performance and performance during intense physical activity; Improves blood flow in people with intermittent claudication, which is a condition characterized by pain or cramp excessive during physical exercise; improvement of sperm quality in men who are infertile; decreases fatigue in elderly people with low muscle resistance and in people with hepatic encephalopathy; stimulates cognitive abilities such as memory, learning and attention.

It is important to mention that more scientific studies are needed to prove these benefits, since the results are not conclusive.

Types of carnitine

There are several types of carnitine, which are used for different purposes, namely:

  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR), which is used to improve breathing capacity; L-Carnitine L-Tartrate (LCLT), which is used to improve physical performance; Propionyl L-Cartinine (GPLC), which can be used to relieve intermittent claudication and blood flow problems; L-Carnitine, which is used for weight loss.

It is important that carnitine is indicated by the doctor according to the person's purpose.

How to take

L-carnitine can be purchased in capsules, powder or liquid. The recommended daily dose varies according to the purpose of its use, and can be:

  • L-carnitine: 500 to 2000 mg per day; Acetyl-L Carnitine (ALCAR): 630-2500 mg; L-Carnitine L-Tartrate (LCLT): 1000-4000 mg; Propionyl L-Carnitine (GPLC): 1000-4000 mg.

In the case of L-carnitine, treatment is carried out with 2 capsules, 1 ampoule or 1 tablespoon of L-carnitine, 1 hour before performing physical activity and always according to the nutritionist's guidance.

To improve sperm quality in infertile people, some studies indicate that consuming 2g of L-carnitine for 2 months could help improve quality.

Contraindications and possible side effects

L-Carnitine is contraindicated for people with very low BMI, low fat or heart problems.

Some of the side effects that can be caused by L-carnitine are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and muscle pain.

Carnitine: what is it for and how to take it