Home Bulls What is innéov nutri-care d for

What is innéov nutri-care d for


Innéov Nutre-Care is a nutritional supplement that contains omega 3, omega 6, lycopene, vitamin C, D and E, which help to strengthen nails and reduce hair loss and strengthen hair, keeping them smooth and brilliant.

This food supplement is sold in boxes of 30 or 60 capsules and can be purchased at pharmacies or stores specializing in cosmetic products, for a price of around 143 reais.

What is it for

Innéov Nutri-Care D acts as a complement to a balanced diet, helping to strengthen nails and reduce hair loss and fragility, improving dryness, shine, volume and preventing hair aging.

How to use

The recommended dose of Innéov Nutri-Care is 2 capsules a day, during the main meals, and should be used in a minimum period of 3 months, to obtain the expected results.

Possible side effects

There are no side effects reported with the use of Innéov Nutri-Care.

Who should not use

Innéov Nutri-Care should not be used by people who are hypersensitive to any of the components of the formula. In addition, it is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women, unless recommended by the doctor.

What is innéov nutri-care d for