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What is lorax for


Lorazepam, known by the trade name Lorax, is a drug that is available in doses of 1mg and 2mg and is indicated for the control of anxiety disorders and used as a preoperative medication.

This medicine can be purchased in pharmacies, upon presentation of a prescription, for a price of about 10 to 25 reais, depending on whether the person chooses the brand or the generic.

What is it for

Lorazepam is a medicine indicated for:

  • Control of anxiety disorders or short-term relief of symptoms of anxiety or anxiety associated with depressive symptoms; Treatment of anxiety in psychotic states and severe depression, as complementary therapy; Preoperative medication, before the surgical procedure.

Learn more about treating anxiety.

How to use

The recommended dose for the treatment of anxiety is 2 to 3 mg daily, administered in divided doses, however, the doctor may recommend between 1 to 10 mg daily.

For the treatment of insomnia caused by anxiety, a single daily dose of 1 to 2 mg should be taken before bedtime. In elderly or debilitated people, an initial dose of 1 or 2 mg daily, in divided doses, is recommended, which should be adjusted according to the person's needs and tolerance.

As a preoperative medication, a dose of 2 to 4 mg is recommended the night before surgery and / or one to two hours before the procedure.

The action of the medication starts, approximately, 30 minutes after its ingestion.

Who should not use

This medication should not be used in people who are hypersensitive to any of the components of the formula or who have been allergic to any benzodiazepine medication.

In addition, it is contraindicated for children under 12 and should not be used during pregnancy or lactation, unless recommended by the doctor.

During treatment, one should not drive a vehicle or operate machinery, as skill and attention may be impaired.

Possible side effects

The most common side effects that may occur during treatment with lorazepam are feeling tired, drowsiness, altered walking and coordination, confusion, depression, dizziness and muscle weakness.

What is lorax for