Home Bulls What is the provisional cardiac pacemaker used for

What is the provisional cardiac pacemaker used for


The temporary pacemaker, also known as temporary or external, is a device that is used to control the heart rhythm, when the heart does not work properly. This device generates electrical impulses that regulate the heartbeat, providing the normal functioning of the heart.

The provisional pacemaker is a device that generates electrical impulses and is located outside the body attached to the skin, connected to one end of the electrode, which is a kind of wire, which has another end that is connected to the heart.

There are three types of temporary pacemakers:

  • Temporary cutaneous-thoracic or external pacemaker, which is a high-energy system, whose stimuli are applied directly to the chest, being quite painful and used only in situations of extreme emergency; Temporary endocardial pacemaker, which is a low energy system, whose stimuli are applied to the endocardium through an electrode positioned intravenously; Temporary epicardial pacemaker, which is a low-energy system, whose stimuli are applied to the heart through an electrode positioned directly over the epicardium during cardiac surgery.

In what situations is indicated

Generally, the provisional pacemaker is indicated in emergency situations in bradyarrhythmias, which are changes in heart rate and / or rhythm, or in people whose bradyarrhythmias are imminent, as in cases of acute myocardial infarction, postoperative of cardiac surgery or intoxications drugs, for example. It can also be used as a therapeutic support, pending the placement of a permanent pacemaker.

In addition, although less frequently, it can also be used to control, prevent or reverse tachyarrhythmias.

What precautions to take

Patients who have a pacemaker should be monitored by the doctor, as complications can occur with incorrect handling of the pacemaker and lead. The pacemaker battery should be checked daily.

In addition, the dressing in the region where the implant was performed must be changed every day, in order to prevent the development of infections.

The person must remain at rest while having the provisional pacemaker, and electrocardiographic monitoring should be frequent, since it is very important to prevent complications. After the time specified by the doctor has passed, the pacemaker can be removed or replaced with a permanent device. Find out how it works, when it is indicated and how the definitive pacemaker surgery is performed.

What is the provisional cardiac pacemaker used for