Home Bulls Pipemid (pipram)

Pipemid (pipram)


Pipram is an oral bactericide used that eliminates gram-negative bacteria from the genitourinary system.

This medicine has similar effects under the names of balurol, pipurol or uroxin.


Urinary infection; prostate infection.

Side effects

Skin rash; stomach problems; urticaria; vertigo in the elderly.


Children under 15; glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency; hypersensitivity to quinolone; to drive; exposure to the sun.

How to use

Adults: 400 mg 12/12 hours or 800 mg in a single dose in the evening for 10 days.

Elderly: if necessary, decrease the dose if there is a decrease in renal function.

Pipemid (pipram)