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How Electrolipolysis Works


Electrolipolysis, or electrolipophoresis, is an aesthetic treatment that works to combat localized fats and cellulite. However, this procedure is not recommended for those who have skin wounds, local infections, diabetes and fibroids, for example.

Treatment with electrolipolysis promotes the breakdown of fat cells and facilitates their exit. Scientific studies have proven that the use of electrolipolysis is effective in combating localized fat and cellulite, however, better results are observed if the person also exercises and has a low calorie diet.

How it works

Electrolipolysis aims to eliminate accumulated fat by stimulating the lipolysis process, that is, by breaking down fat, by applying low frequency electrical current at the site, with consequent loss of accumulated fat and increased blood circulation., also improving the appearance of the skin and reducing swelling.

To pass the electric current, a device connected to acupuncture needles is used, which are placed in the region to be treated, such as the abdominal area, flanks, butt or thighs, for example.

The needles are placed in pairs, with a distance of less than 5 cm, and connected to the device. The physiotherapist must turn on the device, setting the necessary parameters for the procedure, and the individual will feel the electrical current in the region (a kind of tingling) until he almost feels pain.

The needle technique is more effective, as it acts directly on fat cells, however electrolipolysis can also be done using silicone electrodes that are placed in the place to be treated and that transmit the electric current to the fat cell.

Usually 10 sessions are indicated so that you can see the results, however the number of sessions can vary according to the method used and the amount of fat you want to eliminate.

Results of electrolipolysis

The results of electrolipolysis are generally observed from the 10th session, but can be seen before if the person chooses to perform other aesthetic treatments such as lymphatic drainage, which facilitates the removal of fluids and toxins.

It is recommended to carry out at least 10 electrolipolysis sessions, at least once a week, in the case of treatment with needles, and up to 2 times in the case of the silicone electrode, in addition to practicing physical activities and having an adequate and balanced diet, decreasing thus, the accumulation of fat and the appearance of cellulite. See what to eat to eliminate fat.

Where to do it

The technique can be performed in aesthetic clinics or physiotherapy clinics, by properly trained physiotherapists. The sessions should be carried out about 2 times a week, on alternate days, and better results are observed, if after the electrolipolysis the person has a manual or mechanical lymphatic drainage session.

An electrolipolysis session lasts an average of 40 minutes and there is usually no pain, however the person may feel a slight tingling, but it does not generate pain.

During the session, it is normal to appear that the intensity of the device has decreased, and at this point, the physiotherapist should increase the rating of the device, as the individual is already able to withstand a greater intensity.

Contraindications for electrolipolysis

Despite being an effective aesthetic treatment method, it has several contraindications, not being indicated for people who have allergies in the area to be treated, are pregnant, have hypothyroidism, Cushing's Syndrome, calcium deficiency or osteoporosis, for example.

In addition, people who have a cardiac pacemaker, epilepsy, kidney failure, myoma, cancer, hypertension, hypoglycemia, diabetes or use drugs with corticosteroids, progesterone or beta-blockers, should not undergo this aesthetic treatment to eliminate localized fat. Check out other treatment options for localized fat.

See other tips that can help you get rid of cellulite in the following video:

How Electrolipolysis Works