Home Symptoms How is botulism treated and how to prevent it

How is botulism treated and how to prevent it


The treatment of botulism must be done at the hospital and involves the administration of a serum against the toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum and the stomach and intestinal washing, so that any trace of contaminants is eliminated. In addition, cardiorespiratory monitoring in the hospital is important, since the toxin from the bacteria can lead to paralysis of the respiratory muscles.

Botulism is a disease caused by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum , which can be found in soil and in poorly preserved foods, and which produces a toxin, the botulinum toxin, which can lead to the appearance of severe symptoms that can result in death within a few hours. according to the amount of toxin produced by this bacterium.

To prevent contamination by this bacterium, it is recommended that foods that are properly sanitized and in good consumption conditions be consumed.

How the treatment is done

The treatment for botulism should be done in a hospital environment, usually in the ICU, as it aims to neutralize the action of the toxin produced by the bacteria in the body, being important that the patient is monitored and prevent the progression of the disease.

Usually the treatment consists of applying an anti-botulinum serum, also called antitoxin, and it should be done as soon as possible so that the chances of cure increase. The anti-botulinum serum corresponds to heterologous antibodies derived from horses, which can cause hypersensitivity reactions when administered, therefore it is necessary to monitor the patient in the hospital. In addition, stomach and intestinal washing is recommended to eliminate any remaining contaminated food.

Life support measures, such as the use of breathing apparatus, monitoring of cardiac function, adequate nutrition and prevention of bed sores are also part of the treatment. This is because botulinum toxin can lead to paralysis of the cardiorespiratory muscles, which can lead to death. Here's how to recognize the signs and symptoms of botulism.

How to prevent

To prevent contamination by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum it is important to pay attention to the consumption, distribution and commercialization of food. Thus, it is recommended:

  • Avoid ingesting processed foods that contain liquid inside; Do not conserve food at high temperatures; Avoid consuming canned foods, especially those that are in stewed, damaged or with a change in smell and appearance; Thoroughly sanitize food before consumption Boil preserved or canned foods for at least 5 minutes before being consumed.

Do not offer honey to the baby under 1 year old, as honey is a great way to spread the spores of this bacterium, which can result in the baby's botulism, since the immune system is not fully developed. Learn more about baby botulism.

How is botulism treated and how to prevent it