Home Bulls Walking workout to lose weight (with 4 week plan)

Walking workout to lose weight (with 4 week plan)


Walking training to lose weight helps to burn fat and lose between 1 and 1.5 kg per week, as it alternates between slow and fast walking, helping the body to spend more calories. However, it is important to follow the plan correctly for the workout to work and bring the best results.

Before and after training, it is important to stretch your body, especially your legs for about 5 to 10 minutes, to prepare and warm up your body for the walk. In addition, during training you should drink at least half a liter of water per hour to replace the amount of fluids and minerals that are lost through sweat.

See the tables below for guidance on walking and losing weight, strengthening your muscles and preventing injuries.

Week 1

Monday 20 min slow walk + 15 min moderate walk + 15 min slow walk
Tuesday 10 min slow walk + 25 min alternating between 1 min moderate walk and 4 min fast walk + 5 min slow walk
Wednesday REST
Thursday 20 min slow walk + 15 min moderate walk + 15 min slow walk
Friday 10 min slow walk + 20 min moderate walk + 20 min fast walk
Saturday 5 min slow walk + 5 min moderate walk + 25 min fast walk + 5 min slow walk
Sunday REST

Week 2

Monday 10 min moderate walk + 25 min brisk walk + 10 min moderate walk + 5 min slow walk
Tuesday 5 min moderate walk + 35 min alternating between 3 min brisk walk and 2 min moderate walk + 5 min slow walk
Wednesday REST
Thursday 10 min moderate walk + 30 min brisk walk + 10 min moderate walk + 5 min slow walk
Friday 5 min moderate walk + 35 min alternating between 3 min brisk walk and 2 min moderate walk + 5 min slow walk
Saturday 10 min moderate walk + 25 min brisk walk + 15 min moderate walk + 5 min slow walk
Sunday REST

Week 3

Monday 10 min slow walk + 15 min fast walk + 10 min moderate walk + 15 min fast walk + 5 min slow walk
Tuesday 40 min alternating between 2 min and 30 sec of brisk walking and 2 min and 30 sec of moderate walking + 10 min of moderate walking + 10 min of slow walking
Wednesday REST
Thursday 10 min moderate walk + 15 min brisk walk + 10 min moderate walk + 5 min brisk walk + 5 min slow walk
Friday 20 min moderate walk + 20 min brisk walk + 20 min slow walk
Saturday 50 min alternating between 2 min of moderate walking and 3 min of fast walking + 5 min of slow walking
Sunday REST

Week 4

Monday 25 min moderate walk + 35 min brisk walk + 5 min slow walk
Tuesday 50 min alternating between 2 min moderate walk and 3 min brisk walk + 10 min moderate walk
Wednesday REST
Thursday 30 min moderate walk + 20 min brisk walk + 10 min moderate walk
Friday 50 min alternating between 2 min of moderate walking and 3 min of brisk walking + 10 min of moderate walking
Saturday 40 min moderate walk + 20 min brisk walk + 10 min moderate walk
Sunday REST

If during the walk you need to have an energy drink, try this homemade drink prepared with honey and lemon, which will help not only to replace fluids but also to improve performance:

How to lose weight faster

In addition to walking, to lose weight it is also important to adopt a slimming diet, giving preference to foods rich in fiber and low in calories, avoiding foods rich in sugar or fat and decreasing the intake of carbohydrates. Learn more in How to make a healthy diet to lose weight.

Knowing how many pounds to lose is essential to not get discouraged, so see what your ideal weight is on our calculator:

However, it is important to remember that this calculator is not the best parameter for evaluating athletes or the elderly because it does not differentiate between the weight of fat and the weight of muscles.

Benefits of walking training to lose weight

Walking training, in addition to helping you lose weight and burn fat, has other benefits such as:

  • Increase muscle mass; Decrease stress; Sleep better; Improve circulation; Control cholesterol and diabetes.

These benefits are greatest when training is followed correctly. See more reasons to exercise at: Benefits of physical activity.

Walking workout to lose weight (with 4 week plan)