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Anxiety or panic attack: see how to differentiate


For many, the panic crisis and the anxiety crisis can seem almost the same thing, however there are several differences between them, from their causes to their intensity and frequency.

So it is important to know how to differentiate them to define what is the best course of action, to assist the doctor in a faster diagnosis and to seek the most appropriate type of treatment. The differences between anxiety and panic attack can vary in intensity, duration, causes and presence or absence of agoraphobia:

Anxiety Panic disorder
Intensity Continuous and daily.

Maximum intensity of 10 minutes.


For 6 months or more.

20 to 30 minutes.

Causes Excessive worries and stress. Unknown.
Agoraphobia Presence No Yes
Treatment Therapy sessions Therapy + medication sessions

Below we describe better the main characteristics of each of these disorders, so that it is easier to understand each one of them.

What is anxiety

Anxiety is characterized by persistent excessive worry and is difficult to control. This concern is present in the person's daily life, for at least 6 months or more, and is accompanied by physical and psychological symptoms, such as:

  • Tremors; Insomnia; Restlessness; Headache; Shortness of breath; Fatigue; Excessive sweat; Palpitations; Gastrointestinal problems; Difficulty in relaxing; Muscle pain; Irritability; Ease in changing mood.

It can also often be confused with symptoms of depression, but unlike depression, anxiety is mainly focused on excessive concern about future events.

Learn more details about the symptoms of anxiety.

How to confirm if it is anxiety

To try to understand if it really is an anxiety disorder, it is important to seek a psychologist or psychiatrist who, after evaluating the symptoms and some life events, will be able to confirm a possible diagnosis and better determine the treatment to be followed.

Usually the diagnosis is confirmed when there has been excessive concern for at least 6 months, along with the presence of symptoms such as restlessness, feeling of being on edge, tiredness, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension and sleep disorders.

How to treat anxiety

For the treatment of anxiety disorder, counseling with a psychologist is recommended for therapy sessions, as it will help the person to deal better with some daily situations, such as controlling pessimism, increasing tolerance and strengthening self-confidence, for example.. If necessary, along with therapy sessions, the doctor may also indicate treatment with the medication, which should always be guided by a psychiatrist.

Other approaches, such as relaxation techniques, regular exercise, guidance and counseling, are also important to help with treatment. See which treatment options are most used to treat anxiety.

What is Panic Disorder

Panic disorder is considered when the person has recurrent panic attacks, which are sudden and intense episodes of fear that lead to a series of physical reactions that start suddenly, which include:

  • Palpitations, heart beating hard or fast; Excessive sweating; Tremor; Feeling of shortness of breath or breath; Feeling faint; Nausea or abdominal discomfort; Numbness or tingling in any part of the body; Pain or discomfort in the chest; Chills or feeling of heat; feeling out of yourself; fear of losing control or going crazy; fear of dying.

A panic attack can be mistaken for a heart attack, but in the case of a heart attack, there is a tightening pain in the heart that spreads to the left side of the body, becoming worse over time. In the case of panic attack, the pain is prickly type located in the chest, with tingling and there is improvement in a few minutes, in addition its intensity is 10 minutes, and the attack can last from 20 to 30 minutes at most.

It is very common in these cases, the development of Agoraphobia, which is a type of psychological disorder where the person, for fear of having an attack, avoids situations in which there is no quick help available or places where it is not possible to leave quickly, such as a bus, airplanes, cinema, meetings, among others. Because of this, it is common for the person to have greater isolation at home, with absences from work or even at social events.

Know a little more about the panic attack, what to do and how to avoid it.

How to confirm if it is panic disorder

To confirm if it is a panic disorder, or even if the person has had a panic attack, you need the help of a psychologist or psychiatrist. Often the person seeks help when he realizes that he is no longer able to leave the house alone for fear of a panic attack.

In this case, the doctor will make the diagnosis based on a report told by the person, trying to differentiate it from other physical or psychological diseases. It is very common for people who suffer from panic disorder to report this type of episode in great detail, which shows how dramatic the event is to the point of keeping such a vivid memory.

How To Treat Panic Disorder

Treatment for panic disorder basically consists of associating therapy sessions with the use of medication. Currently the most used drugs are antidepressants and, in most cases, symptoms improve considerably in the first weeks of treatment.

Anxiety or panic attack: see how to differentiate