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Detox juice recipes to cleanse the body


The consumption of detox juices is a great way to keep the body healthy and free of toxins, especially in periods of overeating, as well as to prepare you for weight loss diets, so that they are more effective.

However, to maintain a healthy and purified body, juices are not enough and it is also important to drink about 2 L of water a day, to exercise regularly, to avoid consuming foods rich in refined sugar and saturated fats and to avoid using them. smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

Some examples of juices that can be integrated into a healthy and balanced diet are:

1. Celery, cabbage, lemon and apple juice

This purifying juice is rich in chlorophyll, potassium, pectin and vitamin C, which accelerate the elimination of toxins from the body and help to reduce accumulated fat. In addition, in addition to contributing to the detoxification of the body, cabbage also contributes to weight loss.


  • 2 celery stalks; 3 handfuls of cabbage leaves; 2 apples; 1 lemon.

Method of preparation

Peel the lemon and beat all the ingredients in the blender.

2. Radish juice, celery, parsley and fennel

The ingredients contained in this juice help to purify the body, eliminate fluids and toxins and restore energy. Fennel and radish stimulate the digestion and function of the gallbladder, aiding metabolism.


  • 1 handful of parsley; 150 g of fennel; 2 apples; 1 radish; 2 celery stalks; ice.

Method of preparation

To prepare this juice, just centrifuge all the ingredients, except for the ice, which must be added at the end, just beat everything in the blender.

3. Pineapple, broccoli, celery and alfalfa juice

This combination of fruits helps to tone the liver and improves digestion, mainly due to the presence of bromelain, present in pineapples. Broccoli contributes to the stimulation of liver function, helping the body to eliminate toxins, thanks to its composition in vitamin C, antioxidants and sulfur compounds, known as glucosinolates. This juice also provides many soluble fibers, important for the proper functioning of the intestine.


  • 250 g of pineapple; 4 broccoli florets; 2 celery stalks; 1 handful of alfalfa sprouts; Ice.

Method of preparation

Peel the pineapple, extract the juice from all ingredients, except for ice and alfalfa and beat the remaining ingredients in a blender.

4. Asparagus, broccoli, cucumber and pineapple juice

This juice contributes to the proper functioning of the liver. In addition, this combination of ingredients is great for stimulating liver function and digestive enzymes, which help remove toxins and make weight loss diets more effective. Asparagine and potassium in asparagus also contribute to reducing fluid retention.


  • 4 asparagus; 2 broccoli florets; 150 g of pineapple; half a cucumber; a few drops of silymarin tincture.

Method of preparation

Peel the pineapple, extract the juice from all the ingredients and mix well. Add the drops of silymarin tincture at the end.

5. Parsley, spinach, cucumber and apple juice

This juice is great for anyone who feels bloated, stuffed or needs to cleanse the body. Parsley has a diuretic action and therefore helps to reduce fluid retention and the apple is a great purifier. These ingredients, combined, produce a powerful detoxifying effect. Spinach is also a great energy source, as it contains iron and folic acid. In addition, it is also rich in chlorophyll, which acts as an effective purifier and detoxifier.


  • 1 handful of parsley; 150 g of new spinach leaves; half a cucumber; 2 apples; ice.

Method of preparation

To prepare this juice, just beat all the ingredients and add ice to taste.

See also how to prepare a detox soup, in the following video:

Detox juice recipes to cleanse the body