Home Home-Remedies Home remedy for high cortisol

Home remedy for high cortisol


A good home remedy for high cortisol is the consumption of yams because it helps to regulate blood cortisol levels. In addition, yams have a phytosteroid that can lessen the unpleasant effects of excess cortisol in the blood.

Just increase your consumption of yams during meals and see the results within a few days. Here is an example of how to use yam:

Yam puree recipe for high cortisol


  • 8 small yamsHalf onion1 head of garlic half a glass of white wine1 tablespoon olive oil

Method of preparation

Peel the yams and wash well under running water. Cut into small pieces and soak for about 15 minutes in water only. Put the chopped onion, garlic, oil and wine in a pan and boil for a few minutes and then add some of the water in which the yams were soaked. Then cook the yams with the lid closed for 15 to 20 minutes or until the yams are tender. Squeeze the yams still in the pan and season with pepper and herbs to taste, like thyme, for example.

For those who suffer from high cortisol a good tip is also to bet on physical activity, which helps to reduce stress and release toxins.

Home remedy for high cortisol