Home Home-Remedies Home remedy to stop smoking

Home remedy to stop smoking


A good home remedy to quit smoking is watercress juice with carrots. This recipe helps to detoxify the body by releasing toxins.

On alternate days make exclusive meals of futas, alkalizing foods and this home remedy, to eliminate toxins from the blood and thus the need to smoke more.

During the 15 days that you make this home remedy you are not allowed to smoke and after that the person should not feel the chemical need for toxins from cigarettes.


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Method of preparation

To make the juice put the watercress and the medium carrot in a blender and mix with 300 ml of water. Mix with the juice of 1 lemon and take it 3 times a day.

A detox diet can help to quit smoking, but it is also necessary that the smoker wants to stop smoking, because quitting an addiction is always a test of willpower. Here are some examples of Stop Smoking Remedies that can help in the process.

Watch this video for more tips to quit smoking:

See what symptoms appear in the body with the withdrawal crisis after quitting smoking.

Home remedy to stop smoking