Rapunzel's syndrome is a psychological disease that arises in patients who suffer from trichotillomania and trichotillophagia, that is, an uncontrollable desire to pull and swallow their own hair, which is accumulated in the stomach, causing severe abdominal pain and weight loss.
Usually, this syndrome arises because the ingested hair accumulates in the stomach, since it cannot be digested, forming a hair ball, scientifically called gastroduodenal trichobezoar, which extends from the stomach to the intestine, causing obstruction of the digestive system.
Rapunzel's syndrome can be cured by surgery to remove the accumulation of hair from the stomach and intestine, however, the patient must undergo psychotherapy to treat the uncontrollable urge to pull out and ingest the hair itself, preventing the syndrome from recurring.
Causes of Rapunzel syndrome
Rapunzel's syndrome can be triggered by two psychological disorders, trichotillomania, which is the uncontrollable urge to pull out hair, and tricophagy, which is the habit of ingesting the plucked hair. Learn more about trichotillomania.
From a nutritional point of view, the desire to eat hair may be associated with iron deficiency, but generally, this syndrome is more related to psychological issues, such as excessive stress or emotional problems, such as separation from parents or the end of a relationship., for example.
Thus, Rapunzel's syndrome is more common in children or adolescents who have no other way to relieve daily pressure, having an uncontrollable urge to pull and swallow their own hair.
Main symptoms
The main feeling associated with Rapunzel's syndrome is shame, usually due to the loss of hair in some areas of the head. Other symptoms of Rapunzel syndrome are:
- Abdominal pain; Constipation; Weight loss for no apparent reason; Loss of appetite; Frequent vomiting after meals.
When the person has the habit of pulling and eating their hair frequently and has one of these symptoms, one should go to the emergency room for diagnostic tests, such as ultrasound, CT scan or X-ray, to diagnose the problem and start treatment. avoiding possible complications, such as perforation of the intestine.
What to do
Treatment for Rapunzel's Syndrome should be guided by a gastroenterologist and is usually done with laparoscopic surgery to remove the hair ball that is in the stomach.
After surgery for Rapunzel's syndrome, it is recommended to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist to start the treatment in order to reduce the uncontrollable urge to ingest hair, avoiding the appearance of a new gastroduodenal trichobezoar.
In addition, depending on the degree of the psychological disorder, the doctor may request the use of some antidepressant, which can help in the process of reducing the habit.