Home Bulls Borderline syndrome: what it is and how to identify it (with test)

Borderline syndrome: what it is and how to identify it (with test)


Borderline syndrome, also called borderline personality disorder, is characterized by sudden changes in mood, fear of being abandoned by friends and impulsive behaviors, such as spending money uncontrollably or compulsive eating, for example.

Generally, people with Borderline Syndrome have moments when they are stable, which alternate with psychotic outbreaks, manifesting uncontrolled behavior. These symptoms begin to manifest in adolescence and become more frequent in early adulthood.

This syndrome is sometimes confused with diseases such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, but the duration and intensity of emotions is different, and it is essential to be evaluated by a psychiatrist in order to know the correct diagnosis and start the appropriate treatment.

Characteristics of Borderline Syndrome

The most common characteristics of people who have Borderline Syndrome are:

  • Changes in mood throughout the day, varying between moments of euphoria and deep sadness; Feelings of anger, despair and panic; Irritability and anxiety that can cause aggression; Difficulty in controlling emotions, ranging from extreme sadness to euphoric episodes; Fear of being abandoned by friends and family; Instability in relationships, which can cause distance; Impulsiveness and dependence on games, spending uncontrolled money, overeating, using substances and, in some cases, not following rules or laws; Low self-esteem; Insecurity in oneself and in others; Difficulty accepting criticism; Feeling of loneliness and inner emptiness.

People with this disorder are afraid that emotions will get out of their control, showing a tendency to become irrational in situations of greater stress and creating a great dependence on others to be stable.

In some more serious cases, self-mutilation and even suicide can occur, due to the enormous feeling of inner malaise. Find out more details about the symptoms at: Find out if it is borderline syndrome.

How the diagnosis is made

The diagnosis of this disorder is made by describing the behavior reported by the patient and observed by a psychologist or psychiatrist.

In addition, it is important to have physiological tests, such as blood count and serology, to exclude other diseases, as their characteristics are similar to other diseases, such as depression or schizophrenia, for example.

Try the test to see if you have this syndrome:

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Know your risk of developing borderline

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I almost always feel "empty".
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

I frequently do one of the following activities: I drive dangerously, have unsafe sex, abuse alcohol or use drugs.
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

Sometimes, when I am stressed - especially when someone leaves me - I get very paranoid (o).
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

I often expect too much from people.
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

Sometimes I get angry, extremely sarcastic and bitter, and I feel that I have a hard time controlling this anger.
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

I have self-harm, self-harm, or suicidal thoughts that threaten my life.
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

My goals can change at any time, and also the way I see myself and others.
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

I am afraid that others will abandon me or leave me, so I make frantic efforts to avoid this abandonment.
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

My mood changes completely from one hour to the next.
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

My point of view about others, especially those that are important to me, can change at any time.
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

I would say that most of my love relationships have been very intense, but not very stable.
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

I currently have problems in life that prevent me from going to school, working or being with my friends.
  • Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagreeDagreeDetaily Disagree

Causes and consequences of Borderline Syndrome

Borderline personality disorder can occur due to genetic predisposition, when at least one close relative has this disorder, or changes in the brain, especially in the areas of the brain responsible for controlling impulses and emotions. However, strong emotional experiences as a child, such as facing illness or death and situations of sexual abuse or neglect can lead to the development of this syndrome.

Borderline syndrome can lead to loss of family and friendship ties, which creates loneliness, in addition to financial difficulties and keeping a job. All of these factors associated with mood swings can lead to suicide attempts.

Treatment of Borderline Syndrome

The treatment of Borderline Syndrome is carried out with the use of anti-depressants, mood stabilizers and tranquilizers indicated by the psychiatrist.

In addition to treatment with drugs, it is necessary to maintain psychological monitoring to perform psychotherapy and help the person to control their negative emotions, such as knowing how to face moments of greater stress.

Depending on the signs and symptoms presented by the person, the therapist can establish the type of therapy to be employed in the treatment, which may be behavioral dialectical, which is generally used with those who have attempted suicide, cognitive behavioral, family or individual psychotherapy. Therapy can last from months to years, depending on the patient. Know some techniques that can help in: 4 steps to control negative emotions.

This treatment is essential for the patient to remain controlled, but it requires the individual's patience and willpower.

Borderline syndrome: what it is and how to identify it (with test)