Home Bulls Sturge-weber syndrome

Sturge-weber syndrome


A rare and neurological disease is Sturge-Weber syndrome in which the individual has seizures since birth. The syndrome also involves congenital glaucoma and the child has some red spots on the face at birth, due to poor local vascularization. These spots usually affect only one side of the body and rarely neck and trunks can also present them.

The disease affects the central nervous system and epilepsy, mental retardation, hemiplegia and / or hydrocephalus may occur depending on each case.

For the diagnosis of the disease it is necessary to evaluate the electroencephalogram, magnetic resonance and cerebral angiography.

Treatment is based on drugs that control seizures and help minimize the symptoms of the disease. Recently doctors have been able to "turn off" a small area of ​​the brain of a girl of about 1 ½ years old and she has stopped experiencing seizures. Apparently this is a new form of effective treatment for certain patients.

Sturge-weber syndrome