Dry eye syndrome can be characterized by a decrease in the amount of tears, which makes the eye a little drier than normal, and also red and irritated, with the feeling that there is a foreign body in the eye such as a speck or small dust particles.
Increased sensitivity to sunlight is also a common feature in people who have this syndrome, which can appear at any stage of life, although it is more frequent after the age of 40, especially affecting people who work hours in front of the computer and that is why they tend to blink less.
This syndrome is curable, but the person must undergo the treatment, indicated by the ophthalmologist, strictly, and take some care during the day to prevent the symptom from recurring.
What symptoms
Dry eye symptoms arise mainly when the eye has a tear reduction on the ocular surface, and can include:
- Sensation of sand in the eyes; Red eyes; Heavy eyelids; Increased sensitivity to light; Blurry vision; Itching and burning in the eyes.
If the person realizes that he / she has symptoms of dry eye, he / she should consult an ophthalmologist to identify the cause and start the appropriate treatment.
Common causes
The causes of the appearance of dry eye syndrome include working in very dry places, with air conditioning or wind, using allergy or cold remedies or birth control pills that can have the side effect of decreasing the production of tears, wearing contact lenses or development of conjunctivitis or blepharitis, for example.
Another very common cause of dry eye is prolonged exposure to the sun and wind, which is very common when going to the beach and, therefore, it is important to wear sunglasses, with UVA and UVB filter to protect the eyes from the effects harmful to the sun and wind, which can worsen dry eyes.
How the treatment is done
Dry eye treatment can be done at home with the use of artificial tears or eye drops, such as Hylo Comod or Refresh Advanced, or eye gel such as Hylo gel or Genteal gel, for example, which help to prevent dry eyes and lessen this discomfort.
Generally, the recommended dosage is 1 drop of eye drops in each eye, several times a day, as needed by the person, but it is important that the eye drops are indicated by the ophthalmologist to avoid complications due to the incorrect use of this medication.
During treatment, one should avoid standing in front of the television or doing activities that reduce the amount of blinking, such as using the computer or cell phone without breaks. in addition, one should also avoid using allergy remedies without medical advice, as well as being in dry or smoky places for a long time. Putting cold compresses on your eyes before bedtime can also help relieve this discomfort, because it helps to lubricate your eyes quickly, at a low cost. See other daily care you should have.
If there is no improvement in symptoms, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist to start the appropriate treatment, since the treatment also depends on the cause.
Can dry eye arise in pregnancy?
The dry eye can appear in pregnancy, being a very frequent and normal symptom that happens due to the hormonal changes that the woman goes through during this phase. Usually, this symptom disappears after the baby is born, but to reduce the discomfort the pregnant woman must use eye drops suitable for pregnancy, which should be indicated by the doctor.