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Find out what age the baby travels by plane


The recommended age for the baby to travel by plane is at least 7 days and he must have all his vaccinations up to date. However, it is best to wait until the baby is 3 months old for a plane ride that lasts more than 1 hour.

This recommendation is due to the comfort of the baby, the parents and the traveling companions, because before this age the baby despite the baby spending more hours sleeping, when he is awake he can cry a lot due to the cramps, because he is hungry or because he has a dirty diaper.

Care for baby traveling on the plane

To travel by plane with your baby you need to follow some recommendations. The baby can stay on the lap of the father or mother, as long as his seat belt is attached to the seat belt of one of them. However, small babies will be able to travel in their own basket, which should be given to parents as soon as they feel in their seats.

If the baby pays a ticket, he can travel in his car seat, the same one used in the car.

Baby seat belt attached to mother's seat belt

When traveling with a baby on a plane it is important to take special care when the plane is going up and down, as the pressure in the eardrums causes a lot of earache and can even be harmful to the baby's hearing. In this case, make sure the baby is always sucking something. A good option is to give a bottle or a breast during takeoff and landing.

Learn more at: Baby ear pain.

Baby traveling by plane in his car seat

If the trip is long, prefer to travel at night, so the baby sleeps more hours in a row and there is less discomfort. Some parents prefer flights with stopovers, so that they can stretch their legs and so that older children spend a little bit of energy being quieter during the flight.

Tips for traveling with babies and children

Some useful tips for traveling with babies and children are:

  • Take medicines for fever and pain, as it may be necessary; Check all the safety of the baby or child and if the car seat or baby comfort is correctly positioned and meets all safety rules; Take an extra change of clothes, if necessary need to change; make sure you are carrying everything the baby and child needs to stay calm, such as pacifiers, diapers and the favorite toy; do not offer too heavy or fatty foods for children; always have water, balls of cotton and baby wipes nearby; bring toys and games to distract the baby or child during the trip; bring a new toy for the baby or child, as these hold more attention; check the possibility of them playing electronic games or watching cartoons on a portable DVD.

Another tip is to ask the pediatrician if the baby or child can have some tea with a calming effect, such as valerian or chamomile tea, to keep them calmer and more peaceful during the trip. The use of antihistamines that have drowsiness as a side effect, should only be used with the doctor's permission.

See also: What to take to travel with baby.

Find out what age the baby travels by plane