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What the baby does at 18 months


The baby at 18 months is quite agitated and likes to play with other children. Those who started walking early already completely master this art and can jump on one foot, run and go up and down stairs without difficulty, while babies who walked later, between 12 and 15 months, still feel a little more insecure and they need more help to jump and climb stairs, for example.

It is normal that he no longer wants to be in the stroller and likes to walk down the street, but you should always hold him by the hand when walking with him down the street. It can be good to better develop your walking and the formation of the arch of the soles of the feet, taking the baby to walk on the beach barefoot. If he doesn't like the feel of the sand, you can try leaving him with socks on.

Baby weight at 18 months

Boys Girls
Weight 10.8 to 11 kg 10.6 to 10.8 kg
Height 80 cm 79 cm
Head size 48.5 cm 47.5 cm
Thorax perimeter 49.5 cm 48.5 cm
Monthly weight gain 200 g 200 g

Baby sleep at 18 months

Usually the child wakes up early and happily asking to be taken out of the crib, which indicates that he rested well and is ready for a new day, full of adventures and discoveries. If she slept badly and didn't get enough rest, they could stay in bed a little longer, sucking on a finger or pacifier to get some more rest.

Despite sleeping about 11 or 12 hours at night, these babies still need a nap after lunch, which lasts at least 1 to 2 hours. Nightmares can start from this stage.

See: 7 Simple tips to help your child sleep faster

Baby development at 18 months

The baby with 18 months is not quiet and is always looking for play and therefore should not be left alone because they are smart and can open drawers to climb, climb and reach the toy they want, which can be dangerous. They should also not be left in the pool, in the bathtub or near a bucket of water because they can drown.

As they already know how to climb on the sofa and chair, they must be away from the windows because they can climb to see what is happening outside, with the risk of falling. Placing bars or protective screens on windows is a good solution to protect children from this type of accident.

They can point out where your nose, feet and other parts of the body are and you like kisses and loving hugs and you can also hug the stuffed animals you like best.

Now the baby should have mastered about 10 to 12 words, which usually include mom, dad, babysitter, grandpa, no, bye, it's over, what and although, they don't sound exactly as they are. To help the baby speak other words you can show an object and say what it is called. Children love to learn from nature and animals, so whenever you see a dog, you can point to the animal and say: dog or show in books and magazines other things like flower, tree and ball.

Watch the video to find out what the baby does at this stage and how you can help him develop faster:

Games for the baby with 18 months

In this phase the child is very fond of playing writing and doodling, so you can have a chalkboard at home so that he can make your drawings and a table with pencils and papers so that he can make your drawings and doodles there. However, some may prefer the walls of the house, in which case you should choose to let the child scribble all the walls or just one, which is painted with a special paint, which is easy to wash.

The 18-month-old baby already recognizes himself in photos and is capable of assembling puzzles with few pieces. You can choose a magazine page and cut it into 6 pieces, for example, and ask the baby to assemble. Don't be surprised if he does, but if he doesn't, don't worry, age-appropriate games may be enough to show your baby's intelligence and reasoning ability.

They like animals that make sounds and can push, but they also have fun pushing chairs and benches, as if they were toys

Baby feeding at 18 months

Children at this stage can eat everything that an adult eats, as long as it is a healthy diet, rich in fiber, vegetables, fruits and low-fat meats. From now on, the child's growth becomes a little less intense and this is reflected in the decrease in appetite.

Although milk is a good source of calcium, there are other foods that also have a good amount of calcium and that the child should eat to strengthen their bones and ensure their growth, such as cheese, broccoli, yogurt ice cream and cabbage.

They can eat bread and cookies, but these should not be sweet or stuffed, the simpler the better, like cream crackers and cornstarch. Although you can already eat sweets as a dessert, the best dessert for children is fruits and gelatin.

See also how the baby develops at 24 months.

What the baby does at 18 months