Home Bulls Wound in the uterus: how to identify, common causes and doubts

Wound in the uterus: how to identify, common causes and doubts


The cervical wound, scientifically called cervical or papillary ectopy, is caused by an inflammation of the cervix region. Therefore, it has several causes, such as allergies, irritations to products, infections, and may even be the cause of the action of hormone changes throughout the woman's life, including childhood and pregnancy, which can happen in women of all ages..

It does not always cause symptoms, but the most common are discharge, colic and bleeding, and the treatment can be done with cauterization or with the use of medicines or ointments that help to heal and fight infections. The wound in the uterus is curable, but if left untreated it can increase, and even turn into cancer.

Location of the uterus and cervix

Cervical ectopia

What are the symptoms

Symptoms of wounds in the uterus are not always present, but can be:

  • Residues in panties; Yellowish, white or greenish vaginal discharge; Colic or discomfort in the pelvic area; Itching and burning may occur when urinating; There may be vaginal bleeding after intercourse.

The diagnosis of the cervical wound can be done through a pap smear or colposcopy, which is the exam in which the gynecologist can see the uterus and assess the size of the wound. In the virgin woman, the doctor will be able to observe the discharge when analyzing the panties and using a cotton swab in the region of the vulva, which should not break the hymen.

How to treat

The treatment for wounds in the uterus can be done with the use of gynecological creams, which are healing or based on hormones, to facilitate the healing of the lesion, which must be applied daily, for the time determined by the doctor. Another option is to perform the cauterization of the wound, which can be laser or using chemicals. Read more at: How to treat the wound in the womb.

If it is caused by an infection, such as candidiasis, chlamydia or herpes, for example, specific drugs must be used to combat the microorganism, such as antifungals, antibiotics and antivirals, prescribed by the gynecologist.

In addition, women who have a wound in the uterus are at greater risk of becoming infected with diseases, so they should take greater care, such as using condoms and HPV vaccination.

To identify an injury as early as possible, and to reduce health risks, it is important that all women make an appointment with a gynecologist at least once a year, and whenever there are symptoms like discharge, seek immediate medical help.

Main causes

The causes of the cervical wound are not fully known, but can be linked to untreated inflammation and infections, such as:

  • Hormone changes in childhood, adolescence or menopause; Changes in the uterus in pregnancy; Injury after delivery; Allergy to condom products or tampons; Infections such as HPV, Chlamydia, Candidiasis, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Herpes.

The main way of contracting an infection in this region is through intimate contact with a contaminated individual, especially when a condom is not used. Having many intimate partners and not having adequate intimate hygiene also facilitate the development of a wound.

Wounds in the uterus hinder getting pregnant?

The cervical wound can disturb the woman who wants to get pregnant, because they change the pH of the vagina and sperm cannot reach the uterus, or because the bacteria can reach the tubes and cause pelvic inflammatory disease. However, minor injuries generally do not hinder pregnancy.

This disease can also happen during pregnancy, which is common due to changes in hormones during this period and should be treated as soon as possible, as inflammation and infection can reach the inside of the uterus, the amniotic fluid and the baby, causing risk abortion, premature birth, and even infection of the baby, which can have complications such as growth retardation, difficulty breathing, changes in the eyes and ears.

Can wounds in the womb cause cancer?

The wound in the uterus usually does not cause cancer, and is usually resolved with treatment. However, in cases of wounds that grow rapidly, and when treatment is not performed properly, the risk of becoming cancer is increased.

In addition, the chance of a wound in the uterus becoming cancer is greater when it is caused by the HPV virus. The cancer is confirmed through a biopsy performed by the gynecologist, and treatment should be started as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed, with surgery and chemotherapy.

Wound in the uterus: how to identify, common causes and doubts