Home Bulls Detox juices: 7 simple recipes to lose weight

Detox juices: 7 simple recipes to lose weight


Detox juices help you lose weight and cleanse the body because they are low in calories and rich in nutrients that improve the functioning of the intestine and liver. In addition, these juices have antioxidant action, helping to strengthen the immune system and are rich in fibers, which improve intestinal transit.

The ideal is to take about 500 ml of detox juices daily, along with a healthy diet, so that the effects of vegetables are enhanced. Learn why it is important to detoxify the body.

1. Green kale, lemon and cucumber juice

Each 250 ml glass of juice has approximately 118.4 calories.


  • 1 leaf of kale of ½ lemon1 / 3 of cucumber without peel1 red apple without peel150 ml of coconut water

Preparation: Beat all ingredients in a blender, strain and drink next, preferably without sugar. See the benefits of cucumber and know why it slims.

2. Cabbage, beet and ginger juice

Each 250 ml glass of juice has approximately 147 calories.


  • 2 kale leaves1 tablespoon of mint leaves1 apple, 1 carrot or 1 beet1 / 2 cucumber1 spoon of grated ginger coffee1 glass of water

Preparation: Beat all ingredients in the blender, strain and drink next.

3. Tomato detox juice

Each 250 ml glass of juice has approximately 20 calories.

Tomato detox juice


  • We have a wide range of products to choose from, including:

Preparation: Mix the ingredients in a glass and add ice when drinking.

4. Lemon, orange and lettuce juice

Each 250 ml glass of juice has approximately 54 calories.


  • 1 lemon juice2 lemon lime juice6 lettuce leaves½ glass of water

Preparation: Beat all ingredients in the blender, strain and drink next, preferably without using sugar.

5. Watermelon and ginger juice

Each 250 ml glass of juice has approximately 148 calories.


  • In a large bowl, combine the chopped flaxseed and 1 teaspoon of grated ginger.

Preparation: Beat all ingredients in the blender, strain and drink next, without sweetening.

6. Pineapple and cabbage juice

Each 250 ml glass of juice has approximately 165 calories.


  • 100 ml of cold water1 cucumber slice1 green apple1 slice of pineapple1 teaspoon of grated ginger1 dessert spoon of chia1 kale leaf

Preparation: Beat all ingredients in the blender, strain and drink next, preferably without sweetening.

7. Watermelon, cashew and cinnamon juice

Each 250 ml glass of juice has approximately 123 calories.


  • 1 medium watermelon slice1 lemon juice150 ml coconut water1 cinnamon coffee spoon1 cashew nut

Preparation: Beat all ingredients in the blender, strain and drink next, preferably without sweetening.

How to Make a Detox Soup

Watch the video to follow the steps for a delicious detox soup to lose weight fast and in a healthy way.

Detox juices: 7 simple recipes to lose weight