- Sulfacetamide Indications
- Sulfacetamide price
- Side Effects of Sulfacetamide
- Contraindications for Sulfacetamide
- Directions for use of Sulfacetamide
Sulfacetamide is the active substance in an ophthalmic antibacterial medicine.
This medicine for ophthalmic use is indicated for bacterial conjunctivitis and other eye infections, its action alters the DNA of the bacterium that ends up being eliminated from the body, ending the characteristic symptoms of the infection such as itching, redness and swelling in the eyes.
This medicine is found in pharmacies in the form of eye drops or ointment.
Sulfacetamide Indications
Bacterial conjunctivitis; eye infection; trachoma; bacterial blepharitis; bacterial blepharoconjunctivitis; bacterial keratitis; bacterial keratoconjunctivitis.
Sulfacetamide price
The 50 mg box of Sulfacetamide (ointment) costs approximately between 13 and 14 reais.
Side Effects of Sulfacetamide
Local irritation; burning or transient needling.
Contraindications for Sulfacetamide
Pregnant or lactating women; hypersensitivity to sulfonamides; children under 2 months of age.
Directions for use of Sulfacetamide
Ophthalmic Use (in the eyes)
- Remove purulent discharge from the eyes (if any) before applying the product.
Adults and Teens
- Eye drops: Drip 1 drop into the conjunctival sac of each eye every 1 to 3 hours during the day and less frequently at night. Ointment: Place a small amount (about 1 cm) in the conjunctival sac of each eye, 4 times during the day and at bedtime.