Home Bulls Sultamicillin



Sultamicillin is an active substance in an antibacterial medicine known commercially as Unasyn.

This medicine for oral use is indicated for the treatment of sinusitis, otitis and infections in the skin, since they eliminate the bacteria from the body, easing the symptoms of the infection.

Indications of Sultamicillin

Sinusitis; otitis media; pneumonia; urinary tract infection; pyelonephritis; infection of the skin and soft tissues; gonorrhea.

Price of Sultamicillin

A box of Sultamicillin of 375 mg containing 10 tablets costs approximately 105 reais.

Side Effects of Sultamicillin

Diarrhea; stomachache; loose stools; vomiting; nausea.

Contraindications for Sultamicillin

Pregnant or lactating women; allergy to penicillin or cephalosporin.

Directions for use of Sultamicillin

Oral use


  • 375 to 750 mg, every 12 hours, until symptom control (5 to 14 days). Gonorrhea (uncomplicated): 6 tablets of 375 mg, in a single oral dose; add 1 g of probenecid to increase plasma concentrations and prolong the effect.


  • Same doses as adults, but may require lower doses depending on the kidney condition.

Children up to 30 kg

  • 12.5 to 25 mg per kg of weight, every 12 hours.

Children over 30 kg in weight

  • Administer usual dose to adults.