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Supplement options for fattening


Supplements for fattening can be rich in protein, which helps in the formation of muscle tissue by increasing weight or else they have substances that open the appetite to have the desire to eat more and put on weight.

Supplements for fattening with protein are effective, especially for individuals who exercise regularly, as increasing protein intake with intense exercise makes the muscles get bigger, giving a healthy body aspect.

Some examples of this type of supplements are:

1. Whey protein

Whey Protein is a supplement widely used by men and women, as it promotes the production of proteins and muscles, helping in weight gain. In addition, Whey increases energy and increases performance in training.

Whey Protein exists in powder form and can be consumed mixed with water, milk or juice, in addition to fruit, ice cream and cereals, for example, or according to the nutritionist's guidance.


BCAA supplements assist in the formation of muscles and can be consumed before or after physical activity.

Usually BCAA is found in the form of capsules, the value of which can vary between R $ 25 and R $ 85.00. Learn how to take the BCAA supplement.

3. Creatine

Creatine is a supplement that helps in gaining muscle mass, in addition to improving physical performance, and can be indicated for weight gain.

Creatine is naturally produced in the liver, but it can be found in powder form, and should be consumed according to your weight and with the nutritionist's guidance. A packet of creatine powder with 100 g can vary between R $ 27 and R $ 44.00. The packages with 120 capsules have a price that varies between R $ 45 and R $ 90.00.

4. Whey Femme

Whey Femme is a type of whey protein aimed at women, since it consists of other substances that, in addition to promoting muscle mass gain, improve the appearance of hair and skin, for example.

But, for those who want to put on weight and do not have time for physical activity, opting for the use of drugs that stimulate appetite may be the solution, and should only be consumed under the guidance of the nutritionist, such as Buclina, Cobavit and Enzicoba.

Increasing the intake of hypercaloric foods is also important to obtain the expected result. However, to gain muscle mass and not accumulate localized fats, it is recommended to invest in foods rich in protein, leaving aside fats and sugars. See how:

A consultation with a good nutritionist and following his advice is important to know what to eat and what type of food supplement is ideal to take, according to your lifestyle and physical conditions.

Supplement options for fattening