The use of glycerin suppositories is a good way to facilitate the elimination of feces when they are very dry and difficult to eliminate.
The glycerin suppository is a medication with a laxative effect, used to empty the intestine in case of constipation, which can be used by adults and children, including babies, as long as recommended by the doctor. This medicine takes about 15 to 30 minutes to take effect, and in the case of babies the effect can be even faster.
This suppository contains glycerol as an active ingredient, which softens the stool with a greater amount of water, which naturally stimulates the peristaltic movements that drive the stool out.
What is it for
Glycerin suppositories are used to soften stools and facilitate stool evacuation in cases of constipation, which can cause an excess of intestinal gas, abdominal pain and belly swelling.
In some cases, this medicine can also be useful for emptying the intestine, in preparation for intestinal examinations such as colonoscopy, and can be useful to facilitate bowel movements in case of uncomplicated hemorrhoids.
How to use
The form of use depends on the person's age:
For the glycerin suppository to have the expected effect, it is recommended that the adult drink 6 to 8 glasses of water during the day to help soften the stool. To insert the suppository into the anus, you must open the package, wet it with clean water and insert it, pushing it with your fingers. After its introduction, the muscles of the anal region can be slightly contracted to prevent it from coming out.
In adults, the suppository takes 15 to 30 minutes to take effect.
Babies and children:
To place the suppository on the baby, you must lay the baby on its side and introduce the suppository in the direction of the navel, inserting it through the narrowest and flatest part of the suppository. There is no need to insert the suppository fully, as you can only insert half the suppository and hold it for a few minutes, because this brief stimulus should already be enough to facilitate the exit of the stool.
The recommended dose is only 1 suppository per day, for the time recommended by the doctor.
Who should not use
The glycerin suppository should not be used by people with appendicitis, in case of bleeding from the anus of unidentified cause, obstruction of the intestine or during recovery from surgery in the rectum.
In addition, it is also contraindicated in case of allergy to glycerin and should be used with caution in people who have an increased amount of fluid in the blood, in case of heart failure, kidney disease and in dehydrated people.
These drugs should only be used in pregnancy under medical advice.
Main side effects
Generally, the glycerin suppository is well tolerated and may, in some cases, cause intestinal colic, diarrhea, gas formation and increased thirst. Sometimes, there may be a slight increase in blood circulation in this region, which can make the skin more pink or irritated.